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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
An Alternative Characterization of Disjunctive Logic Programs
An Axiomatic Approach to Semantics of Disjunctive Programs
Bottom-Up Evalution of Hierarchical Disjunctive Deductive Databases
Bypassing Joins in Disjunctive Queries
Causal Models of Disjunctive Logic Programs
Classifying Semantics of Disjunctive Logic Programs
Complexity and Expressive Power of Disjunctive Logic Programming
Complexity and Expressive Power of Disjunctive Logic Programming and Datalog
Dense and Disjunctive Properties of Languages
Disjunctive Deductive Databases
Disjunctive Logic Programming as Constrained Inferences
Disjunctive Semantics based upon Partial and Bottom-Up Evaluation
Embedding Circumscriptive Theories in General Disjunctive Programs
Expressive Power and Complexity of Disjunctive Datalog under the Stable Model Semantics
Flang System: A New Version
Goal-Directed Query Processing in Disjunctive Logic Databases
Minimizing Indefinite Information in Disjunctive Deductive Databases
On Constructive Negation for Disjunctive Logic Programs
Optimizing Disjunctive Queries in Object Bases
OR-SML: A Functional Database Programming Language for Disjunctive Information and Its Applications
Partial Deduction of Disjunctive Logic Programs: A Declarative Approach
Propositional Semantics for Disjunctive Logic Programs
Semantics of Disjunctive Deductive Databases
Stable Classes and Operator Pairs for Disjunctive Programs
Stationary Semantics for Disjunctive Logic Programs and Deductive Databases
The Versatility of Handling Disjunctions as Constraints
Why Multi-SLD Beats SLD (Even on a Uniprocessor)
Оптимизация кода для суперскалярных процессоров с использованием дизъюнктивных графов
Предисловие к статье Х.А.Фернандеса и Дж.Минкера "Теория и алгоритмы дизъюнктивных дедуктивных баз данных"
Теоория и алгоритмы дизъюнктивных дедуктивных баз данных