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Связанные издания:
Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems: Proc./15th International Conference, ACIVS 2013, Poznan, Poland, October 2013
Advances in Computer Entertainment: Proc./10th Internarional Conference, ACE 2013, Boekelo, The Netherlands, November 2013
Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - PCM 2009: Proc./10th Pacific Rim Conference on MM, Bangkok, Thailand, December 2009
Advances in Multimedia Modeling: Proc./16th International Conference, MMM 2010, Cjngqing, China, January 2010
Aging Friendly Technology for Health and Independence: Proc./8th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics, ICOST 2010, Seoul, Korea, June 2010
Ambinet Intelligence: Proc./Europien Conference, Aml 2009, Salzburg, Austria, November 2009
An Extended Dataflow Model of FGHC
An Extended Entity-Relationship Approach to Data Management in Object-Oriented Systems
An Extended Schema Model for Scientific Data
An Introduction to the Extended Pascal Language
An Overview of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Extended Entity-Relationship Database Tools
Artificial Intelligence: Methods and Applications: Proc./8th Hellenic Conference on AI, SETN 2014, Ioannia, Greece, May 2014
A Rule-Driven Transformation Processor for Bill of Material Data
ASSET: A System for Supporting Extended Transactions
Auditory Display: Revised Papers/6th International Symposium, CMMR/ICAD 2009, Copenhagen, Danmark, May 2009
Augmented Cognition: Intelligent Technologies, Part I: Proc./12th International Conference, AC 2018 Held as Part of HCI International 2018, Las Vegas,NV,USA, July 2018
Augmented Environments for Computer-Assisted Interventions: Revised Selected Papers/6th International Workshop, AE-CAI 2011 Held in Conjuction with MICCAI 2011, Toronto, ON, Canada, September 2011
Augmented Environments for Computer-Assisted Interventions: Revised Selected Papers/7th International Workshop, AE-CAI 2012 Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2012, Nice, France, October 2013
Coda: An Extended Debugger for PROLOG
Collaboration and Technology: Proc./16th International Conference, CRIWG 2010, Maastricht, The Netherlands, September 2010
Computer Vision/ Computer Graphics Collaboration Techniques: Proc./4th International Conference, MIRAGE 2009, Rocquencourt, France, May 2009
Database Requirements of CIM Applications
Deciding the NTS Property of Context-Free Grammars
Design, User Experience, and Usability. Theory, Methods, Tools and Practice, Part I: Proc./First International Conference, DUXU 2011, Held as Part of HCI International 2011, Orlando,FL,USA, July 2011
Digital Heritage: Proc./ Third International Conference, EuroMed 2010, Lemessos, Cyprus, November 2010
Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2010: Proc./9th International Conference, ICEC 2010, Seoul, Korea, September 2010
Extended Logic Programs with Default Assumption
Foundations of Augmented Cognition: Neuroergonomics and Operational Neuroscience, Part II: Proc./10th International Conference, AC 2016 Held as Part of HCI International 2016, Toronto, Canada, July 2016
Foundations of Augmented Cognition: Proc./7th International Conference, AC 2013, Held as Part of HCI International 2013, Las Vegas,NV,USA, July 2013
Foundations of Augmented Cognition: Proc./8th International Conference, AC 2014 Held as Part of HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 2014
Games for Training, Education, Health and Sports: Proc./4th International Conference on Serious Games, GameDays 2014, Darmstadt, Germany, April 2014
Handling Imperfection in Databases: A Modal Logic Approach
Haptic and Audio Interaction Design: Proc./5th International Workshop, HAID 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2010
Haptic and Audio Interaction Design: Revised Selected Papers/8th International Workshop, HAID 2013, Daejeon, Korea, April 2013
Haptics: Generating and Perceiving Tangible Sensations, Part II: Proc./International Conference, EuroHaptics 2010, Amsterdam, July 2010
Haptics: Generating and Perceiving Tangible Sensations, Part I: Proc./International Conference, EuroHaptics 2010, Amsterdam, July 2010
Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2011, Part I: Proc./13th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2011
Human Interface and the Management of Information. Interacting with Information, Part II: Proc./Symposium on HI 2011 Held as Part of HCI International 2011, Orlando, FL, USA, July 2011
Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems: Proc./9th International Conference. HAIS 2014, Salamanca, Spain, June 2014
Intelligent Virtual Agents:Proc./10th International Conference, IVA 2010, Philadelphia,PA,USA, September 2010
Intelligent Virtual Agents: Proc./11th International Conference, IVA 2011, Reykjavik, Iceland, September 2001
Knowledge Engineering and Management by the Masses: Proc./17th International Conference, EKAW 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2010
Learning and Collaboration Technologies: Designing and Developing Novel Learning Experiences, Part I: Proc./1st International Conference, LCT 2014 Held as Part of HCI International 2014, Heraclion, Crete, Greece, June 2014
Learning in the Synergy of Multiple Disciplines: Proc./4th European Conference, EC-TEL 2009, Nice, France, September/October 2009
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation, Part I: Foundational Techniques: Proc./7th International Symposium, ISoLA 2016, Imperial, Corfu, Greece, October 2016
Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality: Proc./5th International Workshop, MIAR 2010, Beijing, China, September 2010
Modelling Foundations and Applications: Proc./11th European Conference, ECMFA 2015, Held as Part of STAF 2015, L Aquila, Italy, July 2015
Multiple Access Communications: Proc./Third International Workshop, MACOM 2010, Barcelona, Spain, September 2010
Panorama: A Portable, Extensible Parallel Debugger
Performance Evaluation of Reverse Engineering Relational Databases unto Extended Entity-Relationship Models
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