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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
A Generalization of Binary Search
Algorithms for Sensor System: Revised Selected Papers/10th International Symposium, ALGOSENSORS 2014, Wroclaw, Poland, September 2014
Aliasing in Object-Oriented Programming: Types, Analysis, and Verification
A Time Lower Bound for Satisfiability
Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems: Proc./19th International Workshop, AUTOMATA 2013, Giessen, Germany, September 2013
Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science: Revised Selected Papers/12th IFIP WG 1.3 International Workshop, CMCS 2014, Colocated with ETAPS 2014, Grenoble, France, April 2014
Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems: Proc./21st IFIP WG 1.02 International Conference, DCFS 2019, Kosice, Slovakia, July 2019
Deterministic Asynchronous Automata for Infinite Traces
DNA Computing and Molecular Programming: Proc./20th International Conference, DNA 20, Kyoto, Japan, September 2014
Implementation and Application of Automata: Proc./18th International Conference, CIAA 2013, Halifax,NS,Canada, July 2013
Model Checking and Arttificial Intelligence: Revised Selected and Invited Papers/6th International Workshop, MoChArt 2010, Atlanta,GA,USA, July 2010
On regular tree languages and Deterministic Pushdown automata
Real Time Temporal Logic: Past, Present, Future
Topics in Theoretical Computer Science: Revised Selected Papers/1st IFIP WG 1.8 International Conference, TTCS 2015, Tehran, Iran, August 2015
Tree-Walking Automata Cannot Be Determinized
Undecidable Problems About Timed Automata
Аксиома выбора и аксиома детерминированности
Детерминированное поддержание ограничений целостности
Композиционное построение детерминированного конечного автомата по множеству регулярных выражений
Неизбыточные алгоритмы обхода ориентированных графов. Детерминированный случай
О выборе стратегии в недетерминированных антагонистических играх