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Связанные издания:
A decision procedure for propositional projection tempotal logic with infinite models
A Time Lower Bound for Satisfiability
Automated Reasoning, Part I: Proc./10th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2020, Paris, France, July 2020
Automated Reasoning: Proc./5th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2010, Edinburg, UK, July 2010
Automated Reasoning: Proc./6th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2012, Manchester, UK, June 2012
Automated Reasoning: Proc./7th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2014 Held as Part of the Vienna Summer of Logic, VSL 2014, Vienna, Austria, July 2014
Automated Reasoning: Proc./8th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2016, Coimbra, Portugal. June 2016
Automated Reasoning: Proc./9th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2018 Held as Part of the Federated Logic Conference, FloC 2018, Oxford, UK, July 2018
Bounded Model Checking for Weak Alternating Buechi Automata
Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems: Proc./12th International Workshop, CLIMA XII, Barcelona, Spain, July 2011
Computer Aided Verification, Part II: Proc./29th International Conference, CAV 2017, Heidelberg, Germany, July 2017
Computer Aided Verification, Part II: Proc./31st International Conference, CAV 2019, New York City,NY,USA, July 2019
Computer Aided Verification, Part I: Proc./30th International Conference, CAV 2018 Held as Part of the Federated Logic Conference, FloC 2018, Oxford, UK, July 2018
Conceptual Modeling - ER 2010: Proc./29th International Conference on CM, Vancouver,BC,Canada, November 2010
Formal Methods: Proc./22nd International Symposium, FM 2018 Held as Part of the Federated Logic Conference, FloC 2018, Oxford, UK, July 2018
Frontiers in Algorithmics and Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management: Proc./Joint International Conference, FAW-AAIM 2012, Beijing, China, May 2012
Frontiers of Combining Systems: Proc./5th International Workshop, FroCos 2005. Vienna, Austria, September 2005
High Performance Computing: Proc./30th International Conference, ISC High Performance 2015, Frankfurt, Germany, July 2015
Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research: Proc./16th International Conference, CPAIOR 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2019
Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning: Revised Selected Papers/16th International Conference, LPAR-16, Dakar, Senegal, April/May 2010
Logic, Language, and Computation: Revised Selected Papers/7th International Tbilisi Symposium, TbiLLC 2007, Tbilisi, Georgia, October 2007
Logic, Language, Information and Computation: Proc./18th International Workshop, WoLLIC 2011, Philadelphia,PA,USA, May 2011
Logic, Language, Information, and Computation: Proc./25th International Workshop, WoLLIC 2018, Bogota, Colambia, July 2018
Logics in Artificial Intelligence: Proc./12th European Conference, JELIA 2010, Helsinki, Finland, September 2010
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2013: Proc./38th International Symposium, MFCS 2013, Klosterneuburg, Austria, August 2013
Model Building by Resolution
Notions of Average-Case Complexity for Random 3-SAT
Optimizing Bounded Model Checking for Linear Hybrid Systems
Parameterized and Exact Computation: Revised Selected Papers/6th International Symposium, IPEC 2011, Saarbrucken, Germany, September 2011
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP 2010: Proc./16th International Conference, CP 2010, St.Andrews, Scotland, September 2010
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming: Proc./25th International Conference, CP 2019, Stamford,CT,USA, September 2019
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming: Proc./26th International Conference, CP 2020, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, September 2020
Recent Advances in Constraints: Revised Selected Papers/13th Annual ERCIM International Workshop, CSCLP 2008, Rome, Italy, June 2008
Sailing Routes in the World of Computation: Proc./14th Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2018, Kiel, Germany, July 2018
SAT-Based Verification of Safe Petri Nets
Satisfiability of Viability Constraints for Pfaffian Dynamics
SAT vs. SMV for automatic validation of tabular property of superintuitionistic logics
Semantic Essence of AsmL
Sequential Abstract State Machines Capture Sequential Algorithms
Solving 3-Satisfiability in Less than 1,579 Steps
Some Complexity Results for System Verilog Assertions
The Class of Problems that are Linearly Equivalent to Satisfiability or a Uniform Method for Proving NP-Completeness
Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2018: Proc./15th International Colloquium, Stellenbosch, South Africa, October 2018
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing: Proc./8th International Conference, SAT 2005. St Andrews, UK, June 2005
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing: Revised Selected Papers/7th International Conference, SAT 2004. Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 2004
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2006: Proc./9th International Conference. Seattle, WA, USA, August 2006
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2008: Proc./11th International Conference. Guangzhou, China, May 2008
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2009: Proc./12th International Conference, SAT 2009, Swansea, UK, June/July 2009
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2010: Proc./13th International Conference, SAT 2010, Edinburg, UK, July 2010
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2014: Proc./17th International Conference Held as Part of the Vienna Summer of Logoc, VSL 2014, Vienna, Austria, July 2014
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