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Связанные издания:
Abstraction Levels for Entity-Relationship Schemas
A Case Study in Systematic Hypermedia Design
A Cognitive Approach to the Reconstruction of ER Schema from Database Applications
A Commonsense Reasoning Facility Based on the Entity-Relationship Model
A Declarative Query Approach to Object Identification
Advanced Conceptual Modeling Techniques: Proc./ER 2002 Workshops - ECDM, MoblMod, IWCMQ, and eCOMO, Tampere, Finland, October 2002
A Formal Framework for ER Schema Transformation
A Formal Software Specification Tool Using the Entity-Relationship Model
A Framework for Automatic Clustering of Semantic Models
A Graphical Query Language for Temporal Databases
Algeraic Semantics of ER-Models in the Context of the Calculus of Relations. II: Dynamic View
A Methodology for Clustering Entity Relationship Models - A Human Information Processing Approach
A Multi-Level Architecture for Representing Enterprise Data Models
An Algorithm to Extract Is_A Inheritance Hierarchies from a Relational Database
Analysis of Binary Relationships within Ternary Relationships in ER Modeling
An Analysis of SQL Integrity Constraints from an Entity-Relationship Model Perspective
An Approach to Maintaining Optimized Relational Representations of Entity-Relationship Schemas
An Assisting Method for Enterprise-wide Conceptual Data Modeling in the Bottom-up Approach
An EER-Based Conceptual Model and Query Language for Time-Series Data
An Extended Entity-Relationship Approach to Data Management in Object-Oriented Systems
An Onthological Analysis of the Relationship Construct in Conceptual Modeling
An Ontology for Classifying the Semantics of Relationships in Database Design
A Normal Form Object-Oriented Entity Relationship Diagram
An Overview of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Extended Entity-Relationship Database Tools
Application-Oriented Design of Behavior: A Transformational Approach Using RADD
A Pragmatic Method for the Integration of Higher-Order Entity-Relationship Schemata
A Repository Meta Model for Interactive Systems
A Respository to Support Transparency in Database Design
A Semantic Comparison of the Modelling Capabilities of the ER and NIAM Models
A Semantic Object-Oriented Data Access System
Associations and Roles in Object-Oriented Modeling
A State-Space Approach for Database Redesign
A System for Measuring Function Points from an ER-DFD Specification
A Taxonomy for Schema Versioning Based on the Relational and Entity Relationship Models
A Taxonomy of Recursive Relationships and Their Structural Validity in ER Modeling
A Unifying Object Role Modelling Theory
Binary Representation of Ternary Relationships in ER Conceptual Modeling
Conceptual Modeling - ER 2001: Proc./20th Intern. Conf. on Conceptual Modeling, Yokohama, Japan, November 2001
Conceptual Modeling - ER 2002: Proc./21st Intern. Conf. on Conceptual Modeling, Tampere, Finland, October 2002
Conceptual Modeling - ER 2003: Proc./22nd Intern. Conf. on Conceptual Modeling, Chicago, IL, USA, October 2003
Conceptual Modeling ER 96: Proc./15th Intern. Conf. on Conceptual Modeling. Cottbus, Germany, October 1996
Conceptual Modeling - ER 98: Proc./17th Intern. Conf. on Conceptual Modeling. Singapore, November 1998
Conceptual Modeling - ER 99: Proc./18th Intern. Conf. on Conceptual Modeling. Paris, France, November 1999
Coping with Inconsistent Constraint Specifications
DAISY, an PER Model Based Interface for RDB to ILP
Database Schema Evolution through the Specification and Maintenance of Changes on Entities and Relationships
Decomposition of Relationships through Pivoting
Deriving Complex Structured Object Types for Busineess Process Modelling
Deriving Functional Dependencies from the Entity-Relationship
Design and Implementation of Derived Entities
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