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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Relational Database Design Using an ER Approach and Prolog
Relative Constraints in ER Data Models
Resolving Constraint Conflicts in the Integration of Entity-Relationship Schemas
Resolving Fragmentation Conflicts in Schema Integration
Resolving Structural Conflicts in the Integration of Entity-Relationship Schemas
Resolving the "Weak Status" of Weak Entity Types in Entity Relationship Schemas
Searching for Compositions in ER Schemes
SEER: Security Enhanced Entity-Relationship Model for Secure Relational Databases
Soft Constraints and Heuristic Constraint Correction in Entity-Relationship Modeling
Spatial Pictogram Enhanced Conceptual Data Models and Their Translation to Logical Data Models
SPEAR: Extending ER for Dynamic Behaviour and Refinement
Standard-Driven Re-Engineering of Entity-Relationship Schemas
Standard Transformations for the Normalization of ER Schemata
Superimposed Semantics: Introducing E-R Structure for In-Situ Information Selections
Temporal Databases: Model Design and Commercialization Prospects
Temporal ER Modeling with Description Logics
The Entity-Relationship Model for Multilevel Security
The Notion of Classes of a Path in ER Schemas
The ORES Temporal DBMS and the ERT-SQL Query Language
The Role of Meta Models in Federating System Modelling Techniques
The Strength of ER Modeling
Tools and Transformations - Rigorous and Otherwise - for Practical
Transformation of Requirement Specifications Expressed in Natural Language into an EER Model
Transforming an Entity-Relationship Schema into Object-Oriented Database Schemas
Transforming an Entity-Relationship Schema into Object-Oriented Dattabase Schemas
Transforming Conceptual ER Schema into Object Oriented Databases
Transforming Conceptual ER Schema into Object-Oriented Databases
Understanding and Representing Relationship Semantics in Database Design
Understanding the Implementation of IS-A Relations
Uniqueness Conditions for ER Representations
Using Queries to Improve Database Reverse Engineering
Variable Sets and Functions Framework for Conceptual Modeling: Integrating ER and OO via Sketches with Dynamic Markers
Visual Query Languages for Entity Relationship Model Databases
Visual Specification of Complex Database Actions
Visual SQL - High-Quality ER-Based Query Treatment
Well-behaving Rule Systems for Entity-Relationship and Object-Oriented Models
What Makes a Good Data Model? Evaluating the Quality of Entity Relationship Models
Xere: Towards a Natural Interoperability between XML and ER Diagrams
Zur Ubersetzung von E/R-Schemata nach Spectrum
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