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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
1+1=1 : An Optimizing Caml Compiler
A Better XML Parser through Functional Programming
Adding Generic Functions to Scheme
A Generic and Executable Model for the Specification and Validation of Distributed Behaviors
An Efficient Implementation of Multiple Return Values in Scheme
A Newcomer s Impressions of Scheme
A Practical Soft Type System for Scheme
Aspects of the PGG System: Specialization for Standard Scheme
Bigloo User s Manual
Catching Bugs in the Web of Program Invariants
Compiler Construction Using Scheme
Compiling Erlang to Scheme
CONS Should Not CONS Its Arguments, Part II: Cheney on the M.T.A.
Designing a Meta Object Protocol to Wrap a Standard Graphical Toolkit
DrScheme: A Pedagogic Programming Environment for Scheme
Efficient Evaluation Strategies for Sructured Concurrency Constructs in Parallel Scheme Systems
First-class Macros Have Types
Fragmental Specialization
Implementing a Scheme-Based Parallel Processing System
Introducing the Declarative Dungeon
Lambda, the Ultimate Label or a Simple Optimizing Compiler for Scheme
Link-Time Improvement of Scheme Programs
Modeling an Algebraic Stepper
Multi-threaded PaiLisp with Granularity Adaptive Parallel Execution
Reflecting Java into Scheme
Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme
Schematic: A Concurrent Object-Oriened Extension to Scheme
Scheme: The Next Generation
Semantics of Combinations in Scheme
Sharing Code through First-class Environments
Sharing Mutable Objects and Controlling Groups of Tasks in a Concurrent and Distributed Language
Similix: A Self-Applicable Partial Evaluator for Scheme
SXSLT: Manipulation Language for XML
Taming Macros
The Semantics of pcall and fork in the Presence of First-Class Continuations and Side-Effects
The Semantics of Scheme with Future
Разработка XML-приложений на языке SCHEME