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Связанные издания:
Accomplishments and Research Challenges in Meta-Programming (Invited Paper)
A Complete Resolution Method for Logical Meta-programming Languages
Active Network Service Management Based on Meta-level Architectures
A Model of Costs and Benefits of Meta-level Computation
A Module System for Meta-Programming
An Extension to the Subtype Relationship in C++ Implemented with Template Metaprogramming
An XML Based Component Model for Generating Scientific Applications and Performing Large Scale Simulations in a Meta-Computing Environments
A Perfect Herbrand Semantics for Untyped Vanilla Meta-Programming
A Sensible Least Herbrand Semantics for Untyped Vanilla Meta-Programming and its Extension to a Limited Form of Amalgamation
Aspect-Oriented Logic Meta Programming
Building Composable Aspect-Specific Languages with Logic Metaprogramming
Generating AspectJ Programs with Meta-AspectJ
Generative Programming and Component Engineering: Proc./Third International Conference, GPCE 2004. Vancouver, Canada, 2004
Implementation of Program Composition Operations
Introducing Megaprogramming at the High School and Undergraduate Levels
Logic Meta-Programming facilities in LOG
Meta-Level Definition and Compilation of Inference Engines in the Epsilon Logic Programming Environment
Meta-level Programming with CodA
Meta Programming as Constraint Programming
Metaprogramming Domain Specific Metaprograms
Meta-programming for Reordering Literals in Deductive Databases
Meta-Programming in Logic: Proc./Third Intern. Workshop, META-92. Uppsala, Sweden, June 1992
Metaprogramming in the Large
Meta-Programming through a Truth Predicate
Meta-programming with Concrete Object Syntax
Meta-programming with Typed Object-Language Representations
Metarules and an Approach to Conjunction in Definite Clause Translation Grammars: Some Aspects of Grammatical Metaprogramming
Models and Resolution Principles for Logical Meta-Programming Languages
Monadic Constructs for Logic Programming
On the Integration of Configuration and Meta-level Programming Approaches
Optimizing Embedded DSLs Using Template Haskell
Partial Evaluation Using Concurrent Logic Programming
Rapid Integration of Software Engineering Techniques: Revised Selected Papers/Second International Workshop, RISE 2005. Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 2005
Recent Advances in the Message Passing Interface: Proc./18th European MPI Users Group Meeting, EuroMPI 2011, Santorini, Greece, September 2011
Reflection in Oberon
Reflection Support by Means of Template Metaprogramming
Self Reflection for Adaptive Programming
Software Composition: Proc./8th International Conference, SC 2009. Zurich, Switzerland, July 2009
Software Language Engineering: Revised Selected Papers/ Third International Conference, SLE 2010, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, October 2010
Specialising Meta-level Compositions of Logic Programs
Using a Prolog Meta-programming Approach for a Blackboard Application
Метапроцессоры для универсального прграммирующего процессора