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Связанные издания:
Abstract State Machines, Allow, B, VDM, and Z: Proc./3rd International Conference, ABZ 2012, Pisa, Italy, June 2012
Advances in Nonlinear Speech Processing: Proc./6th International Conference, NOLISP 2013, Mons, Belgium, June 2013
Advances in Practical Applications of Scalable Multi-agent Systems: The PAAMS Collection: Proc./14th International Conference, PAAMS 2016, Sevilla, Spain, June 2016
A High Performance Totally Ordered Multicast Protocol
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2014: Proc./24th International Conference on ANN, Hamburg, Germany, September 2014
Autonomic and Trusted Computing: Proc./4th International Conference, ATC 2007. Hong Kong, China, July 2007
Autonomic and Trusted Computing: Proc./5th International Conference, ATC 2008. Oslo, Norway, June 2008
Data Management on New Hardware: Revised Selected Papes/7th International Workshop, ADMS 2016, and 4th International Workshop,IMDM 2016, New Delhi, India, September 2016
Distributed Computing: Proc./25th International Symposium, DISC 2011, Rome, Italy, September 2011
Every Little Bit Counts: Toward More Reliable Software
Experimental Algorithms: Proc./11th International Symposium, SEA 2012, Bordeaux, France, June 2012
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: Proc./16th International Conference, IPCO 2013, Valparaiso, Chile, March 2013
Integrated Circuit and System Design. Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization, and Simulation: Proc./21st International Workshop, PATMOS 2011, Madrid, Spain, September 2011
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2014: Proc./15th International Conference, Salamanca, Spain, September 2014
Multiple Access Communications: Proc./5th International Workshop, MACOM 2012, Maynooth, Ireland, November 2012
Number Theory and Cryptography: Papers in Honor of Johannes Buchmann on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday
PoluORB: A Schizophrenic Middleware to Build Versatile Reliable Distributed Applications
Reproducible Research in Pattern Recognition: Revised Selected Papers/1st Internation Workshop, RRPR 2016, Cancun, Mexico, December 2016
Secure and Portable Database Extensibility
SOFSEM 2007: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: Proc./33rd Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science Harrachov,Czech Republic,January 2007
Towards Trustworthy Elections: New Directions in Electronic Voting
Trastworthy Global Computing: Revised Selected Papers/8th International Symposium, TGC 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 2013
Trust and Trustworthy Computing: Proc./7th International Conference, TRUST 2014, Heraclion, Crete, Greece, June 2014
Trust and Trustworthy Computing: Proc./9th International Conference, TRUST 2016, Vienna, Austria, August 2016
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