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Связанные издания:
Ad-Hoc, Mobile, and Wireless Networks: Proc./5th International Conference, ADHOC-NOW 2006. Ottawa, Canada, August 2006
Ad-Hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks: Proc./8th International Conference, ADHOC-NOW 2009, Murcia, Spain, September 2009
Advanced Web and Network Technologies, and Applications: Proc./APWeb 2006 International Workshops: XRA, IWSN, MEGA, and ICSE. Harbin, China, January 2006
Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: Proc./12th International Symposium, SSTD 2011, Minneapolis,MN,USA, August 2011
Advances in Visual Computing, Part III: Proc./6th International Symposium, ISVC 2010, Las Vegas,NV,USA, November/December 2010
Advances in Visual Computing, Part II: Proc./6th International Symposium, ISVC 2010, Las Vegas,NV,USA, November/December 2010
Advances in Visual Computing, Part I: Proc./6th International Symposium, ISVC 2010, Las Vegas,NV,USA, November/December 2010
Affect and Emotion in Human-Computer Interaction: From Theory to Practice
Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks: Proc./First International Workshop, ALGOSENSORS 2004 Turku,Finland,July 2004
Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks: Revised Selected Papers/2nd International Workshop, ALGOSENSORS 2006. Venice, Italy, July 2006
Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks: Revised Selected Papers/5th International Workshop, ALGOSENSORS 2009
Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks: Revised Selected Papers/Third International Workshop, ALGOSENSORS 2007. Wroclaw, Poland, July 2007
Algorithms for Sensor Systems: Revised Selected Papers/9th International Symposium, ALGOSENSORS 2013, Sophia Antipolis, France, September 2013
Ambient Intelligence: Proc./European Conference, Aml 2007. Darmstadt, Germany, November 2007
Biomedical Simulation: Proc./6th International Symposium, ISBMS 2014, Strasbourg, France, October 2014
Cross-Cultural Design. Methods, Practice, and Case Studies, Part I: Proc./ 5th International Conference, CCD 2013 Held as Part of HCI International 2013, Las Vegas,NV,USA, July 2013
Database Systems for Advanced Applications: Proc./DASFAA 2017 International Workshops: BDMS, BDQM, SeCoP, and DMMOOC, Suzhou, China, March 2017
Digital Human Modeling: Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics, and Risk Management: Proc./9th International Conference, DHM 2018 Held as Part of HCI International 2018, Las Vegas,NV,USA, July 2018
Digital Human Modeling, Part I: Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics, and Risk Management: Ergonomics and Design: Proc./8th International Conference, DHM 2017 Held as Part of HCI International 2017, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 2017
Distributed Computing and Internet Technology: Proc./3rd International Conference, ICDCIT 2006, Bhubaneswar,India,December 2006
Distributed Computing and Networking: Proc./8th International Conference, ICDCN 2006. Guwahati, India, December 2006
Distributed Computing and Networking: Proc./9th International Conference, ICDCN 2008. Kolkatta, India, January 2008
Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems: Proc./First IEEE International Conference, DCOSS 2005. Marina del Rey, CA, USA, June/July 2005
Emerging Directions in Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing: Proc./EUC 2007 Workshops: TRUST, WSOC, NCUS, UUWSN, USN, ESO, and SECUBIQ. Taipei, Taiwan, December 2007
Emerging Directions in Embedded and Ubiquitous Programming: Proc./EUC 2006 Workshops: NCUS, SecUbiq, USN, TRUST, ESO, and MSA. Seoul, Korea, August 2006
Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2010: Proc./9th International Conference, ICEC 2010, Seoul, Korea, September 2010
Frontiers of WWW Research and Development - APWeb 2006: Proc./8th Asia-Pacific Web Conference. Harbin, China, January 2006
Habitat Monitoring with Sensor Networks
Haptic and Audio Interaction Design: Proc./4th International Conference, HAID 2009, Dresden, Germany, September 2009
Haptic and Audio Interaction Design: Proc./5th International Workshop, HAID 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2010
Haptic and Audio Interaction Design: Proc./6th International Workshop, HAID 2011, Kusatsu, Japan, August 2011
Haptic and Audio Interaction Design: Proc./Second International Workshop, HAID 2007. Seoul, South Korea, November 2007
Haptics: Generating and Perceiving Tangible Sensations, Part I: Proc./International Conference, EuroHaptics 2010, Amsterdam, July 2010
Haptics: Perception, Devices, Control, and Applications, Part I: Proc./10th International Conference, EuroHaptics 2016, London, UK, July 2016
Human-Computer Interaction: Novel Interaction Methods and Techniques: Part II: Proc./13th International Conference, HCI International 2009. San Diego, CA, USA, July 2009
Information Processing in Sensor Networks: Proc./Second Intern. Workshop, IPSN 2003, Palo Alto, CA, USA, April 2003
Knowledge Discovery from Sensor Data: Revised Selected Papers/ Second International Workshop, Sensor-KDD 2008, Las Vegas,NV,USA, August 2008
Location Tracking in a Wireless Sensor Network by Mobile Agents and Its Data Fusion Strategies
Love and Sex with Robots: Revised Selected Papers/2nd Intternational Conference, LSR 2016, London, UK, December 2016
Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks: Proc./ First International Conference, MSN 2005. Wuhan, China, December 2005
Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks: Proc./Second International Conference, MSN 2006. Hong Kong, China, December 2006
Network-Based Information Systems: Proc./2nd International Conference, NBiS 2008. Turin, Italy, September 2008
Network-Based Information Systems: Proc./First International Conference, NBiS 2007. Regensburg, Germany, September 2007
Networking 2007: Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks, and Next Generation Internet: Proc./6th International IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference. Atlanta, GA, USA, May 2007
Networking Support for Query Processing in Sensor Networks
Next Generation Teletraffic and Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking: Proc./6th International Conference, NEW2AN 2006. St.Petersburg, Russia, May/June 2006
Pattern Recognition: Proc./33rd DAGM Symposium, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, August/September 2011
Pervasive Computing: Proc./4th International Conference, PERVASIVE 2006. Dublin, Ireland, May 2006
Quality of Context: Revised Papers/First International Workshop, QuaCon 2009. Stuttgart, Germany, June 2009
Resilient Data-Centric Storage in Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks
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