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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
A Conceptual Approach to Meta-Modeling
A Logic-based Framework for Reasoning Support in Software Evolution
A Meta-model for e-Contract Template Variable Dependencies Facilitating e-Negotiation
A Meta Model for Structured Worlflows Supporting Workflow Transformations
A Metamodel for the Unified Modeling Language
An OPM-Based Metamodel of System Development Process
Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance: Revised Selected and Invited Papers/4th International Symposium, AGTIVE 2011, Budapest, Hungary, October 2011
Applying the System Engineering Environment to the Reengineering Process
Business Rules in Systems Analysis: A Meta-Model and Repository System
Capturing Dynamic Program Behaviour with UML Collaboration Diagrams
Complexity Metrics for Systems Development Methods and Techniques
Construction and Evolution of Code Generations. A Model-Driven and Service-Oriented Approach
Developing a Meta Model for the Bunge-Wand-Weber Ontological Constructs
Dynamic Meta Modeling: A Graphical Approach to the Operational Semantics of Behavioral Diagrams in UML
Feature Modeling: A Meta-model to Enhance Usability and Usefulness
Flattening the Metamodel for Object Databases
From Formal Metamodels to Metrics: An Object-Oriented Approach
Generic Models for Engineering Methods of Diverse Domains
Multi-Data Models Translations in Interoperable Information Systems
Objects, Models, Components, Patterns: Proc./49th International Conference, TOOLS 2011, Zurich, Switzerland, June 2011
Platform Independent Web Application Modeling
Process Query Language: A Way to Make Workflow Processes More Flexible
Relaxing the Instantiation Link: Towards a Content-Based Data Model for Information Retrieval
The COMET Metamodel for Temporal Data Warehouses
The K-Component Architecture Meta-model for Self-Adaptive Software
Theory and Practice of Model Transformations: Proc./6th International Conference, ICMT 2013, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013
The ROADMAP Meta-model for Intelligent Adaptive Multi-agent Systems in Open Environments
Towards Automating Source-Consistent UML Refactoring
UML Специальный справочник
Using a Metasystem Approach to Support and Study the Design Process
Using BWW model to evaluate building ontologies in CGs formalism
Why Unified is Not Universal
Моделив нагрузочном тестировании