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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Active Patterns
A Note on Completeness of Patterns
Context Patterns in Haskell
Detection of Complex Temporal Patterns over Data Streams
Enabling Design Evolution in Software through Pattern Oriented Approach
Enhancements - Enabling Flexible Feature and Implementation Selection
Extracting Domain-Specific and Domain-Neutral Patterns Using Software Stability Concepts
On the Role of Design Patterns in Quality-Driven Reengineering
Ontologies: Borrowing from Software Patterns
Patterns for Prolog Programming
Representing User-Interface Patterns in UML
Temporal Patterns for Complex Interaction Design
The Origins of Pattern Theory: The Future of the Theory, and the Generation of a Living World
Осваиваем паттерны проектирования на С#. Часть 1
Паттерны проектирования тестовых сценариев
Стратении объектно-реляционного отображения: систематизация и анализ на основе паттернов