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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
ADIPS Framework for Flexible Distributed Systems
A Flexible Database Security System Using Multiple Access Control Policies
A Simple, Efficient, and Flexible Implementation of Flexible Arrays
Blended Learning: Aligning Theory with Practices: Proc./9th International Conference, ICBL 2016, Beijing, China, July 2016
Data Analytics: Proc./31st British International Conference on Databases, BICOD 2017, Landon, UK, July 2017
Flexible Query Answering Systems: Proc./7th International Conference, FQAS 2006. Milan, Italy, June 2006
Flexible Representation Analysis
Formal Methods: Proc./22nd International Symposium, FM 2018 Held as Part of the Federated Logic Conference, FloC 2018, Oxford, UK, July 2018
Foundations of Health Information Engineering and Systems: Revised Selected Papers/2nd International Symposium, FHIES 2012, Paris, France, August 2012
Model-Based Safety and Assessment: Proc./5th International Symposium, IMBSA 2017, Trento, Italy, September 2017
Model-Based Safety and Assessment: Proc./6th International Symposium, IMBSA 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2019
On the Automation of Similarity Information Maintenance in Flexible Query Answering Systems
Process Query Language: A Way to Make Workflow Processes More Flexible
Quantitative Evaluation of Systems: Proc./11th International Conference, QEST 2014, Florence, Italy, September 2014
Risk Assessment and Risk-Driven Quality Assurance: Revised Selected Papers/4th International Workshop, RISK 2016 Held in Conjunction with ICTSS 2016, Graz, Austria, October 2016
Software Engineering and Formal Methods: Revised Selected Papers/SEFM 2014 Collocated Workshops: HOFM, SAFOME, OpenCert, MoKMaSD, WS-FMDS, Grenoble, France, September 2014
Wireless Access Flexibility: Proc./1st International Workshop, WiFlex 2013, Kaliningrad, Russia, September 2013
Инструментальное средство для создания гибких информационно-аналитических систем