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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
A Fuzzy Adptive Algorithm for Fine Grained Cache Paging
A General Adaptive Cache Coherency-Replacement Scheme for Distributed Systems
A Middleware System which Intelligently Caches Query Results
A Modal Model of Memory
Analytical Modeling of Set-Associative Cache Behavior
An Integrated Framework for Compiler-Directed Cache Coherence and Data Prefetching
A Tool Measuring Operating System Supports for Squid Proxy Cache
Cache-Aware Real-Time Disk Scheduling
Cache Behavior Modeling of Codes with Data-Dependent Conditions
Cache-Conscious Data Placement
Cache-Conscious Structure Definition
Cache-Conscious Structure Layout
Cache Management for Mobile File Service
Cache Miss Equations: A Compiler Framework for Analyzing and Tuning Memory Behavior
Cache Models for Interactive Compilation
Cache-Only Memory Architectures
Capturing Dynamic Memory Reference Behavior with Adaptive Cache Topology
Coarse Grain Task Parallel Processing with Cache Optimization on Shared Memory Multiprocessor
Compiler-Assisted Cache Replacement: Problem Formulation and Performance Evaluation
Compiler-Directed Cache Assist Adaptivity
Cooperative Caching in Ad Hoc Networks
Cost-Effective Jukebox Storage via Hybrid File-Block Caching
Data Sequence Locality: A Generalization of Temporal Locality
Distributed Object Implementations for Interactive Applications
Efficient Cache Management Protocol Based on Data Locality in Mobile DBMSs
Exploiting Locality in Program Graphs
FICO: A Fast Instruction Cache Optimizer
FlexCache: A Framework for Flexible Compiler Generated Data Caching
Impact of Cache Coherence Models on Performance of OpenMP Applications
Implementing a Caching Service for Distributed CORBA Objects
Improving Cache Effectiveness through Array Data Layout Manipulation in SAC
Improving Cache Performance in Dynamic Applications through Data and Computation Reorganization at Run Time
Integrated Intra- and Inter-task Cache Analysis for Preemptive Multi-tasking Real-Time Systems
Investigation of Cache Maintenance Strategies for Multi-cell Environments
Memory Allocation for Long-Running Server Applications
New Tiling Techniques to Improve Cache Temporal Locality
Optimizing Cache Access: Tool for Source-to-Source Transformations and Real-Life Compiler Tests
Performance Evaluation of Transcoding-Enabled Streaming Media Caching System
Platypus: Design and Implementation of a Flexible High Performance Object Store
Reuse Distance-Based Cache Hint Selection
Teapot: A Domain-Specific Language for Writing Cache Coherence Protocols
Using Generational Garbage Collection to Implement Cache-Conscious Data Placement