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Связанные издания:
Technologies for Advanced Heterogeneous Networks: Proc./First Asian Internet Engineering Congference, AINTEC 2005. Bangkok, Thailand, December 2005
The Semantic Web - ISWC 2008: Proc./7th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2008. Karlsruhe, Germany, October 2008
UbiComp 2004: Ubiquitous Computing: Proc./6th International Conference. Nottingham, UK, September 2004
Ubiquitous Convergence Theory: Revised Selected Papers/First International Conference, ICUCT 2006. Jeju Island, Korea, December 2006
Virtual Storytelling: Using Virtual Reality Technologies for Storytelling: Proc./Third International Conference, ICVS 2005. Strasbourg, France, November/December 2005
Web Content Caching and Distribution: Proc./9th International Workshop, WCW 2004. Beijing, China, October 2004
Web Technologies and Applications: Proc./15th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2013, Sydney, Australia, April 2013
Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications: Proc./First International Conference, WASA 2006. Xi an, China, August 2006
Wireless Systems and Mobility in Next Generation Internet: Revised Selected Papers/First International Workshop of the EURO-NGI Network of Excellence. Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, June 2004
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