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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Intelligent Computing Methodologies, Part III: Proc./12th International Conference, ICIC 2016, Lanzhou, China, August 2016
Intelligent Computing Theories and Application, Part I: Proc./14th International Conference, ICIC 2018, Wuhan, China, August 2018
Intelligent Computing: Theories and Application, Part I: Proc./15th International Conference, ICIC 2019, Nanchang, China, August 2019
Intelligent Computing Theories and Application, Part I: Proc./16th International Conference, ICIC 2020, Bari, Italy, October 2020
Intelligent Computing: Theory and Application, Part I: Proc./13th International Conference, ICIC 2017, Liverpool, UK, August 2017
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2004: Proc./5th International Conference. Exeter, UK, August 2004
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2005: Proc./6th International Conference. Brisbane, Australia, July 2005
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2006: Proc./7th International Conference. Burgos, Spain, September 2006
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2007: Proc./8th International Conference. Birmingham, UK, December 2007
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2008: Proc./9th International Conference. Daejeon, South Korea, November 2008
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2010: Proc./11th International Conference, Paisley, UK, September 2010
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2011: Proc./12th International Conference, Norwich, UK, September 2011
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2021: Proc./22nd International Conference, IDEAL 2021, Manchester, UK, November 2021
Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Part I: Proc./8th International Conference, ICIRA 2015, Portsmouth, UK, August 2015
Intelligent Strategies for Pathway Mining: Model and Pattern Identification
Interpretable and Annotation-Efficient Learning for Medical Image Computing: Proc./3rd International Workshop, IMIMIC 2020, 2nd International Workshop, MIL3ID 2020 and 5th International Workshop, LABELS 2020, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2020, Lima, Peru, October 20
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Part III: Proc./9th International Conference, KES 2005. Melbourne, Australia, September 2005
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems. Part II: Proc./12th International Conference, KES 2008. Zagreb, Croatia, September 2008
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Part II: Proc./9th International Conference, KES 2005. Melbourne, Australia, September 2005
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems. Part I: Proc./8th International Conference, KES 2004. Wellington, New Zealand, September 2004
Knowledge Discovery and Emergent Complexity in Bioinformatics: Revised Selected Papers/First International Workshop,KDECB 2006,Ghent,Belgium,May 2006
Knowledge Discovery in Life Science Literature: Proc./PARDD 2006 International Workshop, KDLL 2006. Singapore, April 2006
Knowledge Exploration in Life Science Informatics: Proc./International Symposium, KELSI 2004. Milan, Italy, November 2004
Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management: Proc./8th International Conference, KSEM 2015, Chongqing, China, October 2015
Language and Automata Theory and Applications: Proc./4th International Conference, LATA 2010, Trier, Germany, May 2010
Language and Automata Theory and Applications: Proc./9th International Conference, LATA 2015
Language and Automata Theory and Applications: Revised Papers/2nd International Conference, LATA 2008. Tarragona, Spain, March 2008
Learning and Collaboration Technologies, Part I: Novel Learning Ecosystems: Proc./4th International Conference, LCT 2017 Held as Part of HCI International 2017, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 2017
Life System Modeling and Simulation: Proc./International Conference, LSMS 2007. Shanghai, China, September 2007
Linking Literature, Information, and Knowledge for Biology: Revised Selected Papers/ Workshop of the BioLink Special Interest Group, ISMB/ECCB 2009, Stockholm, June 2009
Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition: Proc./10th International Conference, MLDM 2014, St.Petersburg, Russa, July 2014
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Part III: Proc./European Conference, ECML PKDD 2010, Barcelona, Spain, September 2010
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Part II: Proc./European Conference, ECML PKDD 2010, Barcelona, Spain, September 2010
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Part I: Proc./European Conference, ECML PKDD 2010, Barcelona, Spain, September 2010
Machine Learning and Medical Imaging: Proc./12th International Workshop,, MLNI 2021 Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2021, Strasbourg, France, October 2021
Machine Learning for Medical Image Reconstruction: Proc./2nd International Workshop, MLMIR 2019, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2019, Shenzhen, China, October 2019
Machine Learning for Medical Image Reconstruction: Proc./3rd International Workshop, MLMIR 2020, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2020, Lima, Peru, October 2020
Machine Learning in Clinical Neuroimaging: Proc./4th International Workshop, MLCN 2021 Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2021, Strasbourg, France, October 2021
Machine Learning in Medical Imaging: Proc./11th International Workshop, MLMI 2020, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2020, Lima, Peru, October 2020
Mathematical and Computational Oncology: Proc./1st International Symposium, ISMCO 2019, Lake Tahoe,NV,USA, October 2019
Mathematical and Computational Oncology: Proc./2nd International Symposium, ISMCO 2020, San Diego,CA,USA, October 2020
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2009, Part II: Proc./12th International Conference, London, UK, September 2009
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2009, Part I: Proc./12th International Conference, London. UK, September 2009
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2011, Part I: Proc./ 14th International Conference, Toronto, Canada, September 2011
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2020, Part I: Proc./23rd International Conference, Lima, Peru, October 2020
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2021, Part III: Proc./24th International Conference, Strasbourg, France, September 2021
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2021, Part II: Proc./24th International Conference, Strasbourg, France, September 2021
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2021, Part I: Proc./24th International Conference, Strasbourg, France, September 2021
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2021, Part IV: Proc./24th International Conference, Strasbourg, France, September 2021
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2021, Part VIII: Proc./24th International Conference, Strasbourg, France, September 2021
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