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Связанные издания:
Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms: Revised Selected Papers/ 9th International Conference, ICANNGA 2009, Kuopio, Finland, April 2009
Advances in Practical Applications of Cyber-Physical Multi-Agent Systems: The PAAMS Collection: Proc./15th International Conference, PAAMS 2017, Porto, Portugal, June 2017
Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications: Proc./Second KES International Symposium, KES-AMSTA 2008. Incheon, Korea, March 2008
Agents and Data Mining Interaction: Revised Selected Papers/4th International Workshop, ADMI 2009, Budapest, Hungary, May 2009
Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing: Revised and Selected Papers/6th International Workshop, AP2PC 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, May 2007
Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence: Proc./6th International Conference, ANTS 2008. Brussels, Belgium, September 2008
Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2010: Proc./23rd International Conference, Hannover. Germany, February 2010
Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2017: Proc./30th International Conference, Vienna, Austria, April 2017
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2011, Part I: Proc./21st International Conference on ANN, Espoo, Finland, June 2011
Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2007: Part II: Proc./17th International Conference. Porto, Portugal, September 2007
Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2008. Part II: Proc./18th International Conference. Prague, Czech Republic, September 2008
Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2008. Part I: Proc./18th International Conference. Prague, Czech Republic, September 2008
Autonomic and Trusted Computing: Proc./6th International Conference, ATC 2009. Brisbane, Australia, July 2009
Autonomic and Trusted Computing: Proc./7th International Conference, ATC 2010, Xi an, China, October 2010
Bio-Inspired Computing and Communication: Revised Selected Papers/First Workshop on Bio-Inspired Design of Networks, BIOWIRE 2007. Cambridge, UK, April 2007
Bio-Inspired Systems: Computational and Ambient Intelligence: Part I: Proc./10th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2009. Salamanca, Spain, June 2009
Cellular Automata: Proc./9th International Conference on CA for Research and Industry, ACRI 2010, Ascoli Piceno, Italy, September 2010
Computational and Ambient Intelligence: Proc./9th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2007. San Sebastian, Spain, June 2007
Coordination Models and Languages: 14th International Conference, COORDINATION 2012, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2012
Coordination Models and Languages: Proc./11th International Conference, COORDINATION 2009, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2009
Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems: Proc./5th IEEE International Conference, DCOSS 2009, Marina del Rey,CA,USA, June 2009
Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems: Proc./6th IEEE International Conference, DCOSS 2010, Santa Barbara,CA,USA, June 2010
DNA Computing and Molecular Programming: Revised Selected Papers/15th International Conference, DNA 15, Fayetteville,AR.USA, June 2009
DNA Computing: Revised Selected Papers/14th International Meeting on DNA Computing, DNA14, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2008
Engineering Self-Organising Systems: Methodologies and Applications
Engineering Self-Organized Systems: Revised and Invited Papers/4th International Workshop, ESOA 2006. Hakodate, Japan, May 2006
Engineering Self-Organized Systems: Revised Selected Papers/Third International Workshop, ESOA 2005. Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 2005
Engineering Societies in the Agents World X: Proc./10th International Workshop, ESAW 2009, Utrecht, The Netherlands, November 2009
Formal Methods for the Quantitative Evaluation of Collective Adaptive Sysytems: Advanced Lectures/16th International School, SFM 2016, Bertinoro, Italy, June 2016
Foundational Approaches to Software Engineering: Proc./14th International Conference, FASE 2011 Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences ETAPS 2011, Saarbrucken, Germany, March 2011
From Animals to Animats 13: Proc./13th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, SAB 2014, Castellon, Spain, July 2014
Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems for Manufacturing: Proc./4th International Conference HoloMAS 2009, Linz, Austria, August/September 2009
Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems: Proc./4th International Conference, HAIS 2009, Salamanca, Spain, June 2009
Modelling Automatic Communications Environments: Proc./Fourth IEEE International Workshop, MACE 2009, Venice, Italy, October 2009
Multi-Agent-Based Simulation XI: Revised Selected Papers/ International Workshop, MABS 2010, Toronto, Canada, May 2010
Multiagent System Technologies: Proc./12th German Conference, MATES 2014, Stuttgart, Germany, September 2014
Multiagent System Technologies: Proc./7th German Conference, MATES 2009, Hamburg, Germany, September 2009
Natural and Artificial Models in Computation and Biology, Part I: Proc./5th International Work-Conference, IWINAC 2013, Mallorca, Spain, June 2013
Neural Information Processing: Part I: Proc./13th International Conference, ICONIP 2006. Hong Kong, China, October 2006
On the Move to Meanibgful Internet Systems 2006: CoopIS, DOA, GADA, and ODBASE, Part II: Proc./OTM Confederate Intl Conf. CoopIS,DOA,GADA,ODBASE 2006, Montpellier,France,October 2006
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XIII: Proc./13th International Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 2014
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XI, Part II: Proc./11th International Conference, Krakow, Poland, September 2010
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XI, Part I: Proc./11th International Conference, Krakow, Poland, September 2010
Performance Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems: Revised Selected Papers/IFIP WG 6.3/7.3 Int WS, PERFORM 2010 in Honor of Gunter Haring on the Occasion of His Emeritus Celebration, Vienna, Austria, October 2010
PRIMA 2014: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems: Proc./17th International Conference, Gold Coast,QLD,Australia, December 2014
Rule-Based Modeling and Computing on the Semantic Web: Proc./5th International Symposium, RuleML 2011-America, Ft.Lauderdale,FL,USA, Novembrt 2011
Self-Organizing Architectures: Revised Selected and Invite Papers/ First International Workshop, SOAR 2009, Cambridge, UK, September 2009
Self-Organizing Systems: 1st Intl WS IWSOS 2006 and 3rd Intl WS on New Trends in Network Architectures and Services, EuroNGI 2006. Passau, Germany, September 2006
Self-Organizing Systems: Proc./Second International Workshop, IWSOS 2007. The Lake District, UK, September 2007
Self-Organizing Systems: Proc./Third International Workshop, IWSOS 2008. Vienna, Austria, December 2008
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