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Связанные издания:
Applications of Evolutionary Computation: Proc./21st International Conference, EvoApplications 2018, Parma, Italy, April 2018
Augmented Cognition: Proc./13th International Conference, AC 2019, Held as Part of the 21st HCI International Conference, HCI 2019, Orlando,FL,USA, July 2019
Computer-Human Interaction: Cognitive Effects of Spatial Interaction, Learning and Ability: Revised Selected Papers/25th Australian CHI Conference, OzCHI 2013, Adelaide, SA, Australia, November 2013
Computer Vision/ Computer Graphics Collaboration Techniques: Proc./4th International Conference, MIRAGE 2009, Rocquencourt, France, May 2009
Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design Philosophy and Theory, Part I: Proc./8th International Conference, DUXU 2019 Held as Part of the 21st HCI International Conference, HCI 2019, Orlando,FL,USA, July 2019
Entertainment Computing and Serious Games: Proc./1st IFIP TC 14 Joint International Conference, ICEC-JCSG 2019, Arequipa, Peru, November 2019
Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2005: Proc./4th International Conference. Sanda, Japan, September 2005
Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2012: Proc./11th International Conference, ICEC 2012, Bremen, Germany, September 2012
Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2014: Proc./13th International Conference, ICEC 2014, Sydney, Australia, October 2014
Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2021: Proc./20th IFIP TC 14 International Conference, ICEC 2021, Coimbra, Portugal, November 2021
Games and Learning Alliance: Proc./9th International Conference, GALA 2020, Laval, France, December 2020
HCI in Games, Part I: Experience Design and Game Mechanics: Proc./3rd International Conference, HCI-Games 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
HCI in Games, Part II: Serious and Immersive Games: Proc./3rd International Conference, HCI-Games 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
HCI in Games: Proc./2nd International Conference, HCI-Games 2020 Held as Part of the 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2020
HCI International 2020 - Late Breaking Papers: Cognition, Learning and Games: Proc./22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2020
Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population: Social Media, Games and Assistive Environments: Part II: Proc./5th International Conference, ITAP 2019 Held as Part of the 21st HCI International Conference, HCI 2019, Orlando,FL,USA, July 2019
Human-Computer Interaction, Tourism and Cultural Heritage: Revised Selected Papers/ First International Workshop, HCITOCH 2010, Brescello, Italy, September 2010
Interactive Storytelling: Proc./11th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2018, Dublin, Ireland, December 2018
Interactive Storytelling: Proc./12th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2019, Little Cottonwood Canyon,UT,USA, November 2019
Interactive Storytelling: Proc./7th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2014, Singapore, November 2014
Learning and Collaboration Technologies, Part II: Games and Virtual Environments for Learning: Proc./8th International Conference, LCT 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
Learning and Collaboration Technologies, Part I: New Challenges and Learning Experiences: Proc./8th International Conference, LCT 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
Motion in Games: Proc./2nd International Workshop, MIG 2009, Zeist, The Netherlands, November 2009
Serious Games: Proc./Ioint International Conference, JCSG 2020, Stoke-on-Trent, UK, November 2020
Serious Games: Proc./Joint International Conference, JCSG 2021, Virtual Event, January 2022
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: Multimodal Interaction, Part I: Proc./11th International Conference, VAMR 2019 Held as Part of the 21st HCI International Conference, HCII 2019, Orlando,FL,USA, July 2019