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Связанные издания:
Advanced Computing Strategies for Engineering, Part I: Proc/25th EG-ICE International Workshop 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 2018
Arithmetic of Finite Fields: Revised Selected Papers/7th International Workshop, WAIFI 2018, Bergen, Norway, June 2018
Artificial Intelligense: Tutorial Lectures/5th RAAI Summer School, Dolgoprudny, Russia, July 2019
Bidirectional Transformations: Tutorial Lectures/ International Summer School, Oxford, UK, July 2016
Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing: Proc./21st International Workshop,CASC 2019, Moscow, Russia, August 2019
Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design IV: Revised Selected Papers/11th International Conference, CSCWD 2007. Melbourne, Australia, April 2007
Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering: Proc./15th International Conference, CDVE 2018, Hangzhou, China, October 2018
Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering: Proc./16th International Conference, CDVE 2019, Mallorca, Spain, October 2019
DNA Computing and Molecular Programming: Proc./25th International Conference, DNA 25, Seattle,WA,USA, August 2019
Functional and Logic Programming: Proc/14th International Symposium, FLOPS 2018, Nagoya, Japan, May 2018
Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use: Proc./12th International Workshop, CRIWG 2006. Medina del Campo, Spain, September 2006
Logic, Language, Information, and Computation: Proc./26th International Workshop, WoLLIC 2019, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 2019
Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Science: Proc./7th International Conference, MACIS 2017, Vienna, Austria, November 2017
New Opportunities for Software Reuse: Proc./17th International Conference, ICSR 2018, Madrid, Spain, May 2018
Product-Focused Software Process Improvement: Proc./18th International Conference, PROFES 2017, Innsbruck, Austria, November 2017
Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques: Revised Selected Papers/23rd IFIP WG 1.3 International Workshop, WADT 2016, Gregynog, UK, September 2016
Sailing Routes in the World of Computation: Proc./14th Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2018, Kiel, Germany, July 2018
Software Process and Product Measurement: Proc./ International Conferences IWSM 2009 and Mensura 2009 Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 2009
Software Process and Product Measurement: Revised Papers/International Conference, IWSM-Mensura 2007. Palma de Mallorca, Spain, November 2007
Software Process Improvement: Proc./13th European Conference, EuroSPI 2006. Joensuu, Finland, October 2006
Software Process Improvement: Proc./14th European Conference, EuroSPI 2007. Potsdam, Germany, September 2007
Spatial Cognition X: Revised Selected Papers/13th Biennial Conference, KogWis 2016, Bremen, Germany, September 2016, and 10th International Conference, Spatial Cognition 2016, Philadelphia,PA,USA, August 2016
String Processing and Information Retrieval: Proc./25th International Symposium, SPIRE 2018, Lima, Peru, October 2018
Theory and Practice of Natural Computing: Proc./8th International Conference, TPNC 2019, Kingston,ON,Canada, Decemner 2019
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