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Связанные издания:
Pattern Recognition: ICPR International Workshops and Challenges, Part VII: Proc./Virtual Event, January 2021
Pattern Recognition: ICPR International Workshops and Challenges, Part V: Proc./Virtual Event, January 2021
Persuasive Technology: Proc./13th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2018, Waterloo,ON,Canada, April 2018
Persuasive Technology: Proc./16th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2021, Virtual Event, April 2021
Physiological Computing Systems: Revised Selected Papers/1st International Conference, PhyCS 2014, Lisbon, Portugal, January 2014
Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages: Proc./23rd International Symposium, PADL 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark, January 2021
Product-Focused Software Process Improvement: Proc./18th International Conference, PROFES 2017, Innsbruck, Austria, November 2017
Provenance and Annotation of Data and Processes: Proc./8th and 9th International Provenance and Annotation Workshop, IPAV 2020 + IPAV 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
Responsible AI and Analytics for an Ethical and Inclusive Digitized Society: Proc./20th IFIP WG 6.11 Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society, I3E 2021, Galway, Ireland, September 2021
Serious Games: Proc./Ioint International Conference, JCSG 2020, Stoke-on-Trent, UK, November 2020
Serious Games: Proc./Joint International Conference, JCSG 2021, Virtual Event, January 2022
Service-Oriented Computing: Proc./19th International Conference, ICSOC 2021, Virtual Event, November 2021
Services Computing - SCC 2020: Proc./17th International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, SCF 2020, Honolulu,HI,USA, September 2020
Services Computing - SCC 2021: Proc./18th International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, SCF 2021, Virtual Event, December 2021
Smart Graphics: Revised Selected Papers/13th International Symposium, SG 2015, Chengdu, China, August 2015
Social Computing and Social Media: Design, Human Behavior and Analytics, Part I: Proc./11th International Conference, SCSM 2019 Held as Part of the 21st HCI International Conference, HCII 2019, Orlando,FL,USA, July 2019
Social Computing and Social Media, Part I: Experience Design and Social Network Analysis: Proc./13th International Conference, SCSM 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
Social Computing and Social Media, Part II: Applications in Marketing, Learning, and Health: Proc./13th International Conference, SCSM 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
Social Computing and Social Media: Proc./6th International Conference, SCSM 2014, Held as Part of HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 2014
Social Informatics: Revised Selected Papers/ SocInfo 2014 International Workshops, Barcelona, Spain, November 2014
Spatial Cognition XII: 12th International Conference, Spatial Cognition 2020, Riga, Latvia, August 2020
Statistical Language and Speech Processing: Proc./9th International Conference, SLSP 2021, Cardiff, UK, November 2021
Supercomputing Frontiers: Proc./5th Asian Conference, SCFA 2019, Singapore, March 2019
Technology-Enhanced Learning for a Free, Safe, and Sustainable World: Proc./16th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2021, Bolzano, Italy, September 2021
Text, Speech, and Dialogue: Proc./23rd International Conference, TSD 2020, Brno, Czech Republic, September 2020
The Semantic Web: ESWC 2020 Satelite Events: Revised Selected Papers/ESWC 2020 Satelite Events. Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 2020
The Semantic Web : ESWC 2021 Satellite Events: Revised Selected Papers/ Virtual Event, June 2021
The Semantic Web: Proc./15th International Conference, ESWC 2018, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 2018
The Semantic Web: Proc./18th International Conference, ESWC 2021, Virtual Event, June 2021
Towards Open and Trustworthy Digital Societies: Proc./23rd International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, ICADL 2021, Virtual Event, December 2021
Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XXXVI
Transactions on Edutainment IV
Transactions on Large-Scale Data-and Knowledge-Centered Systems XLIX: Special ISSUE on Data Management - Principles, Technologies and Applications
Transactions on Large-Scale Data-and Knowledge-Centered Systems XLVII : Special Issue on Digital Ecosystems and Social Networks
Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business: Proc./18th International Conference, TrustBus 2021, Virtual Event, September 2021
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction: Aging and Assistive Environments, Part III: Proc./8th International Conference, UAHCI 2014 Held as Part of HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 2014
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Development Methods for Universal Access, Part I: Proc./8th International Conference, UAHCI 2014 Held as Part of HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 2014
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction: Design for All and Accessibility Practice, Part IV: Proc./8th International Conference, UAHCI 2014 Held as Part of HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 2014
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction: Methods, Technologies, and Users, Part I: Proc./12th International Conference, UAHCI 2018, Held as Part of HCI International 2018, Las Vegas,NV,USA, July 2018
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction: Universal Access to Information and Knowledge, Part II: Proc./8th International Conference, UAHCI 2014 Held as Part of HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 2014
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Designing and Developing Virtual and Augmented Environments, Part I: Proc./6th International Conference, VAMR 2014 Held as Part of HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 2014
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: Proc./13th International Conference, VAMR 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Proc./17th EuroVR International Conference, EuroVR 2020, Valencia, Spain, November 2020
Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality: Proc./18th EuroXR International Conference, EuroXR 2021, Milan, Italy, November 2021
Virtual Systems and Multimedia: Revised Selected Papers/13th International Conference, VSMM 2007. Brisbane, Australia, September 2007
Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems: Proc./18th International Symposium, W2GIS 2020, Wuhan, China, November 2020
Web Engineering: Proc./17th International Conference, ICWE 2017, Rome, Italy, June 2017
Web Engineering: Proc./21st International Conference, ICWE 2021, Biarritz, France, May 2021
Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2021, Part II: Proc./22nd International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, WISE 2021, Melbourne,VIC,Australia, October 2021
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