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Связанные издания:
Active Media Technology: Proc./10th International Conference, AMT 2014, Warsaw, Poland, August 2014
Advanced Methodologies for Bayesian Networks: Proc./2nd International Workshop, AMBN 2015, Yokohama, Japan, November 2015
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: From Theory to Practice, Part I: Proc./30th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Ather Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2017, Arras, France, June 2017
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Proc./16th Confernce of the Spanish Association for AI, CAEPIA 2015, Albacete, Spain, November 2015
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XVII: Proc./17th International Symposium, IDA 2018, s'-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, October 2018
Agents and Artificial Intelligence: Revised Selected Papers/12th International Conference, ICAART 2020, Valletta, Malta, February 2020
Agents and Artificial Intelligence: Revised Selected Papers/8th International Conference, ICAART 2016, Rome, Italy, February 2016
Agents for Educational Games and Simulations: Revised Papers/ International Workshop, AEGS 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2011
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Proc./15th Conference, AIME 2015, Pavia, Italy, June 2015
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Proc./16th Conference on AI in Medicine, AIME 2017, Vienna, Austria, June 2017
At the Intersection of Language, Logic, and Information: Select Papers/ESSLLI 2018, Student Session, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 2018
Focused Retrieval and Evaluation: Revised and Selected Papers/8th International Workshop of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval, INEX 2009, Brisbane, Australia, December 2009
Fuzzy Logic and Applications: Proc./10th International Workshop, WILF 2013, Genoa, Italy, November 2013
Graphs in Biomedical Image Analysis and Integrating Medical Imaging and Non-Imaging Modalities: Proc./2nd International Workshop, GRAIL 2018 and 1st International Workshop, Beyond MIC 2018 Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2018, Granada, Spain, September 2018
Graphs in Biomedical Image Analysis, Computational Anatomy and Imaging Genetics: Proc./1st Int.WSp, GRAIL 2017, 6th Int.WSp MFCA 2017 and 3rd Int.WSp MICGen 2017 Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2017, Quebec City, QC, Canada, September 2017
Graph Structures for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Revised Selected Papers/3rd International Workshop, GKR 2013, Beijing, China, August 2013
Graph Structures for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Revised Selected Papers/5th International Workshop, GKR 2017, Melbourne, Australia, August 2017
Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems: Proc./9th International Conference. HAIS 2014, Salamanca, Spain, June 2014
Information Processing in Medical Imaging: Proc./26th International Conference, IPMI 2019, Hong Kong, China, Junt 2019
Information Technology in Bio-and Medical Informatics: Proc./8th International Conference, ITBAM 2017, Lyon, France, August 2017
Intelligent Computing Methodologies: Proc./10th International Conference, ICIC 2014, Taiyuan, China, August 2014
Intelligent Computing Theory: Proc./10th International Conference, ICIC 2014, Taiyuan, China, August 2014
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Proc./12th International Conference, ITS 2014, Honolulu,HI,USA, June 2014
Learning and Intelligent Optimization: Revised Selected Papers/12th International Conference, LION 12, Kalamata, Greece, June 2018
Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition: Proc./10th International Conference, MLDM 2014, St.Petersburg, Russa, July 2014
Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition: Proc./13th International Conference, MLDM 2017, New York,NY,USA, July 2017
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Part I: Proc./European Conference, ECML PKDD 2012, Bristol, UK, September 2012
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Part I: Proc./European Conference, ECML PKDD 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2013
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Part I: Proc./European Conference, ECML PKDD 2017, Skopje, Macedonia, September 2017
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Part I: Proc./European Conference, ECML PKDD 2018, Dubline, Ireland, September 2018
Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science, Part II: Revised Selected Papers/6th International Conference, LOD 2020, Siena, Italy, July 2020
Medical Computer Vision and Bayesian and Graphical Models for Biomedical Imaging: Revised Selected Papers/MICCAI 2016 International Workshops, MCV and BAMBI, Athens, Greece, October 2016
Multi-Agent Systems: Revised Selected Papers/16th European Conference, EUMAS 2018, Bergen, Norway, December 2018
PRICAI 2014: Trends in Artifical Intelligence: Proc./13th Pacific Rim International Conference on AI, Gold Coast,QLD,Australia, December 2014
Probabilistic Graphical Models: Proc./7th European Workshop, PGM 2014, Utrecht, The Netherlands, September 2014
Research in Computational Molecular Biology: Proc./21st Annual International Conference, RECOMB 2017, Hong Kong, China, May 2017
Scalable Uncertainty Management: Proc./11th International Conference, SUM 2017, Granada, Spain, October 2017
Scalable Uncertainty Management: Proc./12th International Conference, SUM 2018, Milan, Italy, October 2018
Scalable Uncertainty Management: Proc./13th International Conference, SUM 2019, Compiegne, France, December 2019
Scalable Uncertainty Management: Proc./14th International Conference, SUM 2020, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, September 2020
Smart Spaces and Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking: Proc./11th Int. Conf, NEW2AN 2011, and 4th Conf, ruSMART 2011, St.Petersburg, Russia, August 2011
SOFSEM 2019: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: Proc./45th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Novy Smokovec, Slovakia, January 2019
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty: Proc./12th European Conference, ECSQARU 2013, Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 2013
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty: Proc./13th European Conference, ECSQARU 2015, Compiegne, France, July 2015
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty: Proc./14th European Conference, ECSQARU 2017, Lugano, Switzerland, July 2017
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty: Proc./15th International Conference, ECSQARU 2019, Belgrade, Serbia, Sptember 2019
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty: Proc./16th European Conference, ECSQARU 2021, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2021
Transactions on Large-Scale Data-and Knowledge-Centered Systems XLIX: Special ISSUE on Data Management - Principles, Technologies and Applications
Transactions on Large-Scale Data-and Knowledge-Centered Systems XLVI
Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web III: Revised Selected Papers/ISWC International Workshops URSW 2011-2013
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