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компьютерная игра
Связанные издания:
Advances in Computer Games: Revised Papers/12th International Conference, ACG 2009, Pamplona, Spane, May 2009
Advances in Computer Games: Revised Selected Papers/14th International Conference, ACG 2015, Leiden, The Netherlands, July 2015
Advances in Computer Games: Revised Selected Papers/16th International Conference, ACG 2019, Macao, China, August 2019
Agents for Games and Simulations II: Trends in Techniques, Concepts and Design
Agents for Games and Simulations: Trends in Techniques, Concepts and Design
Applications of Evolutionary Computation: Revised Selected Papers/17th European Conference, EvoApplications 2014, Granada, Spain, April 2014
Automata, Languages and Programming, Part I: 37th International Colloquium, ICALP 2010, Bordeaux, France, July 2010
Automata, Languages and Programming, Part II: Proc./37th International Colloquium, ICALP 2010, Bordeaux, France, July 2010
Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development: Proc./8th International Conference ICCBR 2009 Seattle, WA, USA, July 2009
Computers and Games: Revised Selected Papers/7th International Conference, CG 2010, Kanazawa, Japan, September 2010
Computer Vision and Graphics: Proc./International Conference, ICCVG 2018, Warsaw, Poland, September 2018
Cross-Cultural Design: Proc./6th International Conference, CCD 2014 Held as Part of HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 2014
E-Learning and Games for Training, Education, Health and Sports: Proc./7th International Conference, Edutainment 2012 and 3rd International Conference, GameDays 2012, Darmstadt, Germany, September 2012
Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2009: Proc./8th International Conference, Paris, France, September 2009
Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2013: Proc./12th International Conference, ICEC 2013, Sao Paulo, Brazil, October 2013
Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2020, Proc./19th IFIP TC 14 International Conference, ICEC 2020, Xi'an, China, November 2020
Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2021: Proc./20th IFIP TC 14 International Conference, ICEC 2021, Coimbra, Portugal, November 2021
Games and Learning Alliance: Proc./10th International Conference, GALA 2021, La Spezia, Italy, December 2021
Games for Training, Education, Health and Sports: Proc./4th International Conference on Serious Games, GameDays 2014, Darmstadt, Germany, April 2014
HCI in Games, Part I: Experience Design and Game Mechanics: Proc./3rd International Conference, HCI-Games 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
HCI in Games, Part II: Serious and Immersive Games: Proc./3rd International Conference, HCI-Games 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference. HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
HCI in Games: Proc./2nd International Conference, HCI-Games 2020 Held as Part of the 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2020
Human-Computer Interaction: Advances Interaction Modalities and Techniques, Part II: Proc./16th International Conference, HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 2014
Human-Computer Interaction: Interacting in Various Application Domains: Part IV: Proc./13th International Conference, HCI International 2009. San Diego, CA, USA, July 2009
Interactive Storytelling: Proc./11th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2018, Dublin, Ireland, December 2018
Interactive Storytelling: Proc./14th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, ICIDS 2021, Tallinn, Estonia, December 2021
Motion in Games: Revised Papers/First International Workshop, MIG 2008. Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 2008
New Horizons in Web Based Learning: Revised Selectd Papers/ICWL 2011 International Workshops, KMEL, ELSM and SPeL Hong Kong, China, December 2011, ICWL 2012 International Workshops, KMEL, SciLearn and CCSTED, Sinaia, Romana, September 2012
Online Communities and Social Computing: Proc./5th Internatioal Conference, OCSC 2013, Hela as Part of HCI International 2013, Las Vegas, NV,USA, July 2013
Online Communities and Social Computing: Proc./Third International Conference, OCSC 2009 Held as Part of HCI International 2009. San Diego, CA, USA, July 2009
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality: Proc./20th International Working Conference, REFSQ 2014, Essen, Germany, April 2014
Serious Games Development and Applications: Proc./5th International Conference, SGDA 2014, Berlin, Germany, October 2014
Serious Games: Proc./Ioint International Conference, JCSG 2020, Stoke-on-Trent, UK, November 2020
Serious Games: Proc./Joint International Conference, JCSG 2021, Virtual Event, January 2022
Simulation Gaming: Applications for Sustainable Cities and Smart Infrastructures: Revised Selected Papers/48th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, ISAGA 2017, Delft, The Netherlands, July 2017
SOFSEM 2009: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: Proc./35th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Spindleruv Mlyn, Czech Republic, January 2009
Teaching Fundamental Concepts of Informatics: Proc./4th International Conference, ISSEP 2010, Zurich, Switzerland, January 2010
Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence: Proc./19th International Conference, TAAI 2014, Taipei, Taiwan, November 2014
Transactions on Edutainment II
Transactions on Edutainment III
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Systems and Applications, Part II: Proc./5th International Conference, VAMR 2013 Held as Part of HCI International 2013, Las Vegas,NV,USA, July 2013