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Связанные издания:
Facing the Multicore-Challenge: Aspects of New Paradigms and Technologies in Parallel Computing
Formal Aspects of Component Software: Revised Selected Papers/11th International Symposium, FACS 2014, Bertinoro, Italy, September 2014
Frontiers in Algorithmics: Proc./4th International Workshop, FAW 2010, Wuhan, China, August 2010
Fundamentals of Computation Theory: Proc./19th International Symposium, FCT 2013, Liverpool, UK, August 2013
Genetic Programming: Proc./16th Eropean Conference, EuroGP 2013, Vienna, Austria, April 2013
Genetic Programming: Proc./18th European Conference, EuroGP 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 2015
High Performance Computing and Applacations: Revised Selected Papers/2nd International Conference, HPCA 2009, Shanghai, China, August 2009
Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems: Proc./4th International Conference, HAIS 2009, Salamanca, Spain, June 2009
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: Proc./16th International Conference, IPCO 2013, Valparaiso, Chile, March 2013
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: Proc./19th International Conference, IPCO 2017, Waterloo,ON,Canada, June 2017
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: Proc./20th International Conference, IPCO 2019, Ann Arbor,MI,USA, May 2019
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems: Proc./7th International Conference, CPAIOR 2010, Bologna, Italy, June 2010
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming: Proc./14th International Conference, CPAIOR 2017, Padua, Italy, June 2017
Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research: Proc./15th International Conference, CPAIOR 2018, Delft, The Netherlands, June 2018
Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research: Proc./16th International Conference, CPAIOR 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2019
Intelligent Computing. Theories and Application, Part I: Proc./12th International Conference, ICIC 2016, Lanzhou, China, August 2016
Internet and Distributed Computing Systems: Proc./9th International Conference, IDCS 2016, Wuhan, China, September 2016
Internet and Network Economics: Proc./5th International Workshop, WINE 2009, Rome, Italy, December 2009
Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: Revised Selected Papers/17th International Workshop, JSSPP 2013, Boston,MA,USA, May 2013
Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: Revised Selected Papers/19th and 20th International Workshops, JSSPP 2015, Hyderabad, India, May 2015 and JSSPP 2016, Chicago,IL,May 2016
Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: Revised Selected Papers/21st International Workshop. JSSPP 2017, Orlando,FL,USA, June 2017
Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: Revised Selecyed Papers/18th International Workshop, JSSPP 2014, Phoenix,AZ,USA, May 2014
KI 2020: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Proc./43rd German Conference on AI, Bamberg, Germany, September 2020
LATIN 2012: Theoretical Informatics: Proc./10th Latin American Symposium, Arequipa, Peru, April 2012
Learning and Intelligent Optimization: Revised Selected Papers/12th International Conference, LION 12, Kalamata, Greece, June 2018
Model Checking Software: Proc./23rd International Symposium, SPIN 2016 Co-located with ETAPS 2016, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, April 2016
Network and Parallel Computing: Proc./13th IFIP WG 10.3 International Conference, NPC 2016, Xi an, China, October 2016
Passive and Active Measurement: Proc./17th International Conference, PAM 2016, Heraklion, Greece, March 2016
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming: Proc./20th International Conference, CP 2014, Lyon, France, September 2014
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming: Proc./21st International Conference, CP 2015, Cork, Ireland, August 2015
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming: Proc./22nd International Conference, CP 2016, Toulouse, France, September 2016
Principles of Distributed Systems: Proc./13th International Conference, OPODIS 2009, Nimes, France, December 2009
Progress in Artificial Intelligence, Part I: Proc./19th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2019, Vila Real, Portugal, September 2019
Queueing Theory and Network Applications: Proc./12th International Conference, QTNA 2017, Qinhuangdao, China, August 2017
Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2014: Proc./19th Ada-Europe International Conference on RST, Paris, France, June 2014
RoboCup 2013: Robot World Cup XVII
Runtime Verification: Proc./5th International Conference, RV 2014, Toronto,ON,Canada, September 2014
Sailing Routes in the World of Computation: Proc./14th Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2018, Kiel, Germany, July 2018
Self-Organizing Systems: Proc./4th IFIP TC 6 International Workshop, IWSOS 2009, Zurich, Switzerland, December 2009
Smart Sities: Proc./1st International Conference, Smart-CT 2016, Malaga, Spain, June 2016
SOFSEM 2010: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: Proc./36th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practic of CS, Spindleruv Mlyn, Czech Republic, January 2010
SOFSEM 2017: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: Proc./43rd International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Limerick, Ireland, January 2017
Software Language Engineering: Proc./6th International Conference, SLE 2013, Indianapolis,IN,USA, October 2013
Swarm Intelligence Based Optimization: Revised Selected Papers/1st International Conference, ICSIBO 2014, Mulhouse, France, May 2014
Swarm Intelligence Based Optimization: Revised Selected Papers/2nd International Conference, ICSIBO 2016, Mulhouse, France, June 2016
Transactional Memory: Foundations, Algorithms, Tools, and Applications: COST Action Euro-TM IC1001
Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency IV
Trends in Functional Programming: Revised Selected Papers/19th International Symposium, TFP 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 2018
Web and Internet Economics: Proc./9th International Conference, WINE 2013, Cambridge,MA,USA, December 2013
Web Information Systems and Mining: Proc./International Conference, WISM 2010, Sanya, China, October 2010
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