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OOPS Messenger
Связанные издания:
Ada Electronic Combat Modeling
Adapting Synchronization Counters to the Requirements of Inheritance
A Documentation Scheme for Object-Oriented Software Systems
Advantages of a Component-Based Approach to Defining Complicated Objects
A Framework for Using Formal Methods In Object-Oriented Software Development
A Leaf-Cell Generator for Silicon Compilers
A Methodology and Toolset for the Design of Parallel Embedded Systems
A Metrics-Driven Approach for Utilizing Concurrency in Object-Oriented Real-Time Systems
A Modular Approach to Real-Time Synchronization
A Multiple-Platform Multi-Language Distributed Object-Oriented Messaging System
An Accidential Translator from Smaltalk to ANSI C
An Algebra Approach to the Deduction of Data Flow Diagrams and Object Oriented Diagrams from a Set of Specifications
A New Set Interpretation of the Inheritance Relation and Its Checking
An Expanded View of Messages
An Experience of Representing Knowledge and Data in Mechanical Design Using Smalltalk-80
Animating an Actor Programming Model
An Object Language versus an Expert System Shell the School Time-Table Example
An Object-Oriented Tower of Babel
A Note on "Towards a Type Theory for Active Objects"
A Note on Type Composition and Reusability
A Performance Evaluation on Caching Mechanisms for a Persistent Object System
Application of Domain Analysis to Object-Oriented Systems
Applying Classification and Inheritance into Compiling
Applying Object-Oriented Software Engineering Methods to the Development of Call Center Software: A Case Study
Applying Software Testing Practices to an Object-Oriented Software Development
A Structured Approach to Object-Oriented Design
A Taxonomy for Distributed Object-Oriented Real-Time Systems
A Technique for Tracing Memory Leaks in C++
Benefits of Type Inference for an Object-Oriented Real-Time Language
Building and Performance Tuning a Distributed Reporting Application for an OODBMS
Building Large Distributed Software Systems Using Objects
Checking Timing Constraints in Distributed Object-Oriented Programs
CLAO: An Object-Oriented Programming System for Distributed Memory Parallel Machines
CLOStrophobia: Its Etiology and Treatment
Clustering in Object-Oriented Databases
Combined Use of Languages in Object-Oriented Software Construction
Comparing Object-Oriented Analysis with Knowledge Acquisition
Comparison of OOA and Real-Time SA - From the Experiment of Analyzing an Image Filing System
Creating a Ptactical Object-Oriented Methodology
Database Model for Design Data
Dealing with Atomicity in Object-Based Distributed Systems
Delegation versus concatination or cloning is inheritance too
End-User Object-Oriented Programming by Means of an Object-Oriented Interface
Equal Rights for Functional Objects or, The More Things Change, The More They Are the Same
Exeption Handling in Object-Oriented Systems
Experiences Building Large OO Frameworks at BNR
Extending CLOS towards Logic Programming: A Proposal
Extending Compound Assignments for C++
Finding Objects: Practical Approaches
Formal Object-Oriented Methods In Communication Standards
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