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Ada Letters
Связанные издания:
Object-Oriented Graphics for Requirements Analysis and Logical Design
Object oriented programming and virtual functions in conventional langauges; an extended abstract
Object Oriented Programming Facilities in Ada 9X
Object-Oriented Programming in Ada83- Genericity Rehabilitated
Object-Oriented Programming in Classic-Ada
Object-Oriented Programming with mixins in Ada
Of Pyramids and Igloos
On Ada Packages, Types and Task Types
On Generic Formal Package Parameters in Ada9X
Optimization Issues Relating to Subunits
Pallada System
Performance Measures of the Ada Rendezvous
Proposed Standard for a Generic Package of Complex Elementary Functions
Proposed Standard for a Generic Package of Elementary Functions for Ada
Proposed Standard for a Generic Package of Primitive Functions for Ada
Proposed Standard for Packages of Real and Complex Type Declarations and Basic Operations for Ada (including Vector and Matrix Types)
Protected Kernels and Ada 9X Real-Time Facilities
Protected Records in Ada 9X
Rationale for the Proposed Standard for a Generic Package of Complex Elementary Functions
Rationale for the Proposed Standard for a Generic Package of Elementary Functions for Ada
Rationale for the Proposed Standard for a Generic Package of Primitive Functions for Ada
Rationale for the Proposed Standard for Packades of Real and Complex Type Declarations and Basic Operations for Ada (including Vector and Matrix Types
Rehost of a Real-Time Interrupt-Driven Simulation onto a DOS/PC/ADA Environment Using OOD
Relaxing the Constraints on Ada s limited private Types Through Functional Expressions
Replacing Passive Tasks with Ada 9X Protected Records
Reusable Real-Time Executive in Ada
Reusable Software Components
Static Analysis of Ada Programs
Structured Analysis and Object-Oriented Development are not Compatible
Support for Distributed Systems in Ada 9X
Tenth Anniversary. Ada Design Language/ CASE Developers Matrix
Testing of Ada Compiler Diagnostics
The Ada Compiler Evaluation System
The Impact of Ada 9X Incompatibilities on Projects Converting from Ada 83
The Task Dependence Net in Ada Software Development
Time Management for Ada Real-Time Systems
Time-Related Issues in Ada 9X
Towards Validation of Generic Elementary Functions and Other Standard Ada Numerics Packages
Translating an AdaPT Partition to Ada9x
Using Inheritance and Polymorphism with Ada in Government Sponsored Contracts
Using The Proposed Elementary Functions Standard to Build a Strongly Typed Trig Package
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