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Связанные издания:
AAPT: Algorithm Animator and Programming Toolbox
Accreditation: Does It Enhance Quality?
A Comparison Between Novice and Experienced Compiler Users in a Learning Environment
A Compiler Construction Project For an Object-Oriented Language
A Constructivist Framework for Integrating the Java Paradigm into the Undergraduate Curriculum
A Constructivist Learning Environment Implemented in Java
A Course in Software Portability
A Course on Professionalism in the Undergraduate Computer Science Curriculum
A CPU Scheduling Simulation From Structured Programming to Object-Oriented Design
A "Curriculum-Cycle" Environment for Teaching Programming
A Declarative Laboratory Approach for Discrete Structures, Logic, and Computability
A Framework for CS1 and CS2 Laboratories
A Graduate Course in Computing Security Technology
A Graphical Computer Simulator for Systems Programming Courses
A Hypertext Module for Teaching User Interface Design
ALEX: An aid to teaching algorithms
Algorithma 99: An Experiment in Reusability & Component Based Software Engineering
A Logic Programming Environment for Teaching Mathematical Concepts of Computer Science
A Methodology for Teaching an Integrated Computer Science Curriculum
A Multi-Purpose Dataflow Simulator
An Advanced Classroom Computing Environment and its Applications
An ALGOL Object Code Interpreter in Scheme
An Elementary Characterization of Fibred Categories with Internal Sums and Products
An Ethernet Performance Simulator for Undergraduate Networking
A New Approach to Computer Science in the Community College: Negotiated Teaching and Learning
A New Perspective on Teaching Computer Literacy
An Examination of Operating Systems Laboratory Techniques
An Example from Artificial Intelligence for CSI
An Honors Computer Science Seminar For Undergraduate Non-Majors
Animating Operating Systems Algorithms with XTANGO
An Improved First Year Course Taking Into Account Third World Students
An Integrated, Breadth-First Computer Science Curriculum Based on Computing Curricula 1991
An Integrated, Software-Based Approach to Teaching Introductory Computer Programming
An Interactive tutorial system for MC68000 assembly language using HyperCard
An Inter-Disciplinary Approach to the Development of Writing Skills in Computer Science Students
An Introductory Courses on the Use of Operating Systems
An Object-Oriented Approach to Algorithm Visualization - Easy, Extensible, and Dynamic
An Only Undergraduate Course in Object-Oriented Technology
An Operating Systems Project
A Note on Slowing Quicksort
An Undergraduate Project to Compute Minimal Perfect Hashing Functions
An Undergraduate Research Program in Multi-paradigm Software Design
A Plan-based Approach to Prolog Recursion
A Project-Untensive Software Design Course
A Psychological Perspective on Gender Differences in Computing Participation
A Repository that Supports Teaching and Cooperation in the Introductory AI Course
Aristotle and Object-Oriented Programming: Why Modern Students Need Traditional Logic
A Seminar Course in Computer Ethics
A Seminar Course in Object Oriented Programming
A Software Development Process Laboratory for CS1 and CS2
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