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Связанные издания:
Infant Mortality and Generational Garbage Collection
Inheritance Modeled with Explicit Bindings: An Approach to Typed Inheritance
Inheritance of Interface Specifications
Inlining Semantics for Subroutines which are Recursive
Inner Classes
Integrating Destructive Assignment and Lazy Evaluation in the Multiparadigm Language G-2
Integrating Information Retrieval and Domain Specific Approaches for Browsing and Retrieval in Object-Oriented Class Libraries
Integrating Message-Passing and Shared-Memory: Early Experience
Integration of Declarative Paradigms: Benefits and Challenges
Integration of Message Passing and Shared Memory in the Stanford FLASH Multiprocessor
Intelligent and Multi Agent Object Level Computing the Priliminary Overview
Intensional Polymorphism in Type-Erasure Semantics
Interconvertibility of Set Constraint and Context-Free Language Reachability
Interface Definition Language Conversions: Recursive Types
Interface Language for Supporting Programming Styles
Interfaces and Extended ML
Interfaces and Specifications for the Smalltalk-80 Collection Classes
Interfaces, Protocols, and the Semi-Automatic Construction of Software Adaptors
Interlanguage Working without Tears: Blending SML with Java
Interleaving: A Multithreading Technique Targeting Multiprocessors and Workstations
Interprocedural Conditional Branch Elimination
Interprocedural Constant Propagation: A Study of Jump Function Implementations
Interprocedural Dataflow Analysis in an Executable Optimizer
Interprocedural May-Alias Analysis for Pointers: Beyond k-limiting
Interprocedural Modification Side Effect Analysis With Pointer Aliasing
Introducing a CPS Style Optimizer into an Existing Compiler
Introducing Data Decomposition into VDM for Tractable Development of Programs
Introducing Virtual Instance Variables in Classes to Provide Sufficent Support for Encapsulation
Inversion and Metacomputation
IRIS Inventor, A 3D Graphics Toolkit
Is Continuation-Passing Useful for Data Flow Analysis?
Islands: Aliasing Protection In Object-Oriented Languages
Is Object-Oriented Programming Structured Programming?
ISO/IEC 10514-1, the Standard for Modula-2: Changes, Clarifications and Additions
ISO/IEC 10514-1, the Standard for Modula-2: Process Aspects
Isolation and Analysis of Optimization Errors
Issues in Moving from C to C++
Issues in the Design and Specification of Class Libraries
Is there a use for linear logic?
Java and Distributed Object Models: An Analysis
Java Intermediate Bytecodes
Java, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
JRes: A Resource Accounting Interface for Java
JSpace: Implementation of a Linda System in java
Kernel-Control Parallel Versus Data Parallel: A Technical Comparison
Kinds of Language, Kinds of Learning
KL1 and the Early Days of the FGCS Project
Lag. drag. void and use-heap profiling and space-efficient compilation revisited
Lambda-Dropping: Transforming Reqursive Equations into Programs with Block Structure
Lambda-Spliting: A Higher-Order Approach to Cross-Module Optimizations
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