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Связанные издания:
Compiler Support for Garbage Collection in a Statically Typed Language
Compiler Support for Software-Based Cache Partitioning
Compiler Support to Customize the Mark and Sweep Algorithm
Compile/Run-time Support for Threaded MPI Execution on Multiprogrammed Shared Memory Machines
Compile-Time Support for Efficient Data Race Detection in Shared-Memory Parallel Programs
Compile-Time Transformations and Optimization of Parallel Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms
Compiling Dataflow Analysis of Logic Programs
Compiling Dynamic Mapping with Array Copies
Compiling Machine-Independent Parallel Programs
Compiling Real-Time Programs into Schedulable Code
Compiling Standard ML to Java Bytecodes
Compiling Task and Data Parallel Programs for iWarp
Compiling the Polymorphic Lambda-Calculus
Complete Removal of Redundant Expressions
Complex Associations: Abstractions in Object-Oriented Modeling
Complexity of kernel Fun subtype checking
Componential Set-Based Analysis
Composite Multimedia and Active Objects
Compositional Pointer and Escape Analysis for Java Programs
Compositional References for Stateful Functional Programming
Composition of Before/After Metaclasses in SOM
Compound Types for Java
Compressing Java Class Files
Computational Reflection in PowerEpsilon
Computation Migration: Enhancing Locality for Distributed-Memory Parallel Systems
Computing A*B (mod N) Efficiently in ANSI C
Computing Inheritance using Partial Evaluation
Computing Reachable States of Parallel Programs
Concept Analysis - A New Framework for Program Understanding
Conceptual Modeling and Programming Languages
Concurrency and Object-Oriented Programming
Concurrency Annotations
Concurrency Annotations in C++
Concurrent Object Oriented C (cooC)
Concurrent Object-Oriented Language "COOL"
Configurable REC
Confined Types
Conservative Pretty Printing
Considerations in Choosing a Concurrent/Distributed Object-Oriented Programming Language
Considerations in Developing a Formally-Based Visual Programming Language Reference Manual: A Case Study on the SLAM II Language
Consistency Management for Virtually Indexed Caches
Consistent Detection of Clobal Predicates
CONS Should not CONS its Arguments, or, a Lazy Alloc is a Smart Alloc
CONS Should Not CONS Its Arguments, Part II: Cheney on the M.T.A.
Constraint-Based Polymorphism in Cecil: Towards a Practical and Static Type System
Constraint Diagrams: Visualizing Invariants in Object-Oriented Models
ConstraintLisp: An Object-Oriented Constraint Programming Language
Constraint Patterns as a Basis for Object Oriented Programming
Consummating Virtuality to Support More Polymorphism in C++
Context-Sensitive Interprocedural Points-to Analysis in the Presence of Function Pointers
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