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Computer Communication Review
Связанные издания:
Distributed, Scalable Routing Based on Link-State Vectors
Dynamic Multi-path Routing and How it Compares with other Dynamic Routing Algorithms for High Speed Wide Area Networks
Dynamic of Distributed Shortest-Path Routing Algorithms
Dynamics of TCP Traffic over ATM Networks
Dynamic Time Windows: Packet Admission Control with Feedback
Effect of Packet Losses on End-User Cost in Internetworks with Usage Based Charging
Efficient and Robust Policy Routing Using Multiple Hierarchical Addresses
Efficient Demultiplexing of Incoming TCP Packets
Efficient Gateway Synthesis from Formal Specificatons
End-to-End Packet Delay and Loss Behavior in the Internet
Experiences of Building an ATM Switch for the Local Area
Experiences with a High-Speed Network Adaptor: A Software Perspective
Extending the IP Internet Through Address Reuse
Fairisle: An ATM Network for the Local Area
Fault Detection in an Ethernet Network Using Anomaly Signature Matching
Finding Disjoint Paths in Networks
Flexible Protocol Stacks
Flexible Routing and Addressing for a Next Generation IP
Forwarding Database Overhead for Inter-Domain Routing
GSPN Models of Random, Cyclic, and Optimal 1-Limited Multiserver Multiqueue Systems
HAP: A New Model for Packet Arrivals
Hardware Flooding (Preliminary Version)
Highly Dynamic Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector Routing (DSDV) for Mobile Computers
Host Migration Transparency in IP Networks: The VIP Approach
Image Transfer: An End-to-End Design
Implementing Network Protocols at User Level
Improved Algorithms for Synchronizing Computer Network Clocks
Integrating Security in Inter-Domain Routing Protocols
Internet Protocol Traffic Analysis with Applications for ATM Switch Design
Internet Routing over Large Public Data Networks using Shortcuts
IP-based Protocols for Mobile Internetworking
Joint Scheduling and Admission Control for ATS-based Switching
Linear Recursive Networks and Their Applications in Topological Design and Data Routing
Locking Effects in Multiprocessor Implementations of Protocols
Loss-Load Curves: Support for Rate-Based Congestion Control in High-Speed Datagram Networks
MACAW: A Media Access Protocol for Wireless LAN s
Making Greed Work in Networks: A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Switch Service Disciplines
Management of Virtual Private Networks for Integrated Broadband Communication
MARS: The Magnet II Real-Time Scheduling Algorithm
Message Authentication with One-Way Hash Functions
Minimising Packet Copies in Multicast Routing by Exploiting Geographic Spread
Multicast Channels for Collaborative Applications: Design and Performance Evaluation
Network Locality at the Scale of Processes
Network Management Viewpoints: A New Way of Encompassing the Network Management Complexity
Nomenclator Descriptive Query Optimization for Large X.500 Environments
Observations on the Dynamics of a Congestion Control Algorithm: The Effects of Two-Way Trafic
Observing TCP Dynamics in Real Networks
On Optimization of Polling Policy Represented by Neural Network
On Per-session End-to-end Delay Distributions and the Call Admission Problem for Real-time Applications with QOS Requirements
Open Issues and Challenges in Providing Quality of Service Guarantees in High-Speed Networks
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