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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Active Mental Entities: A New Approach to Building Intelligent Autonomous Agents
A Description Logic-Based Configurator on the Web
A Knowledge Based Arabic Question Answering System (AQAS)
Applications of Inductive Logic Programming
Distributed Artificial Intelligence: An Annitated Bibliography
Efficient Local Search for Very Large-Scale Satisfiability Problems
Efficient Top-down Induction of Logic Programs
General Natural Language for Operating Systems
Human Interaction with Intelligent Systems: An Overview and Bibliography
Hunting for the Holy Grail with "Emotionally Intelligent" Virtual Actors
Inductive Logic Programming and Learnability
Integrating ILP and EBL
Mapping a Complex Temporal Problem into a Combination of Static and Dynamic Neural Networks
Problems, Communication, and Common Sense
The Logic of the Whole Truth
The Time Dimension of Neural Network Models
Time in Neural Networks
Unification Using a Distributed Representation
Using Layered Support Graphs for Verifying External Adequacy in Rule-Based Expert Systems