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Los Alamitos
Связанные издания:
A Visual Language Based System for the Efficient Management of the Software Development Process
A Visual Language for Authorization Modeling
A Visual Programming Model for User Interface Animation
BDL - A Nondeterministic Data Flow Programming Language with Backtracking
Beyond Structured Programming
Capturing Dynamic Program Behaviour with UML Collaboration Diagrams
Case Studies of the Sixth European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering. Budapest, Hungary, March 2002
Checking Subsystem Safety Properties in Compositional Reachability Analysis
ClawZ: Control Laws in Z
Cohesion as Changeability Indicator in Object-Oriented Systems
Combining Constraints and Data-Flow in a Visual Query Language
Combining Static and Dynamic Views for Architecture Reconstruction
Comparison of Maintainability Improvement by Segmentation and Reengineering - A Case Study
Composing Specifications in VSPEC
Configuration Management with Logical Structures
Cooperating Evolving Components - A Rigorous Approach to Evolving Large Softawre Systems
Coupling and Cohesion as Modularization Drivers: Are We Being Over-persuaded?
C to Java Migration Experiences
Data Dependency Elicitation in Database Reverse Engineering
Data Exchange with the Columbus Schema for C++
Design as Evolution and Reuse
Designing and Implementing COO: Design Process, Architectural Style, Lessons Learned
Dynamic Slicing Method for Maintenance of Large C Programs
DYNAMITE: Dynamic Task Nets for Software Process Management
E-CARES Research Project: Understanding Complex Legacy Telecommunication Systems
Effort Estimation Using Analogy
Embedding Formally Proved Code in a Smart Card: Converting B to C
Empirical Analysis of Massive Maintenance Processes
Enhanced Reuse with Group Decision Support Systems
Evaluating the Effect of Inheritance on the Modifiability of Object-Oriented Business Domain Models
Evolution of a CORBA Framework: An Experience Study
Evolution of a Software Component - Experiences with a Network Editor Component
Evolution Support by Homogeneously Documenting Patterns, Aspects and Traces
Executable Object Modeling with Statecharts
Experience Assessing an Architectural Approach to Large-Scale Systematic Reuse
Experiences from Application of a Faceted Classification Scheme
Experiences of Software Quality Management Using Metrics through the Life-Cycle
Experiences with Visual Programming in a Specific Domain - Visual Language Challenge 96
Extraction and Optimization of the Implicit Program Parallelism by Dynamic Partial Evaluation
Filter Promotion Transformation Strategies for Deriving Efficient Programs from Z Specifications
Forcing Behavioral Subtyping through Specification Inheritance
Formal Derivation of Multilayered Hardware/Software Structures
Formal Foundations of Object-Oriented Modeling Notations
Fragmented Retrenchment, Concurrency and Fairness
From Queries to Answers in Visual Logic Programming
From Visual Language Specification to Legal Visual Interaction
Function Call Trap of Java Codes with the Help of AspectJ and XML
GRIDS - GRaph-based, Integrated Development of Software: Integrating Different Perspectives of Software Engineering
GUIDO: Visualizing Document Retrieval
Highly Reliable Component-Based Software Development by using Algebraic Behavioral Specification
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