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Связанные издания:
How to Identify Binary Relations for Domain Models
Independent On-Line Monitoring of Evolving Systems
Inroducing Parallelism in Multimedia Database Systems
Integrating Document and Workflow Management Tools using XML and Web Technologies: A Case Study
Integrative Software Development of Java, .NET & Co
Interoperable Thin Client Separation from GUI Applications
Iterative Constructs in the Visual Data Flow Language
Keyboardless Visual Programming Using Voice, Handwriting, and Gesture
LILEANNA: A Parameterized Programming Language
Linguistic Support for the Evolutionary Design of Software Architectures
Maximally Abstract Retrenchments
Mechanical Verification of Transaction Processing Systems
Metric-Based Selective Representation of UML Diagrams
Metrics Based Refactoring
MICRO-25: Proc./The 25th Annual Intern. Symp. on Microarchitecture, Dec.1-4, 1992, Portland, Oregon, USA
MICRO-26: Proc. of the 26th Annual Intern. Symp. on Microarchitecture. December 1-3, 1993. Austin, Texas
Migrating Legacy Systems to the Web: An Experience Report
Migration to Component Based ERP-Systems
Mobile Agents: The Next Generation in Distributed Computing
Modeling Web Maintenance Centers Through Queue Models
Modular Parallel Programming in mpC for Distributed Memory Machines
Monitoring Compliance of a Software System with Its High-Level Design Models
Mr. Rogers Sustainable Neighborhood: A Visual Language Case Study for Community Education
Multilanguage Interoperability in Distributed Systems
Multimedia Languages for Teleaction Objects
Non-functional Integration and Coordination of Distributed Component Services
Object Oriented Module Interconnection Languages
On Project-Specific Languages and Their Application in Reengineering
On the Retrieval of Reusable Software Components
On the Role of Design Patterns in Quality-Driven Reengineering
OPSIS: A View Mechanism for Software Processes which Supports their Evolution and Reuse
Parallel Algorithms/Architecture Synthesis. Proc./Second AIZU International Symposium on Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan, March 17-21, 1997
People-Oriented Software Reuse: The Very Thought
Performance Considerations in Object-Oriented Reuse
Polymorphic Components for Monomorphic Languages
Practical Experiences with Weak Point Analysis Maintaining Large and Complex Software Systems
Predicting Fault-Proneness using OO Metrics: An Industrial Case Study
Prediction Models for Software Fault Correction Effort
Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering. Budapest, Hungary, March 2002
Proceedings of Third IEEE International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods - ICFEM 2000, York, England, 4-6 September 2000
Proc.of the 18th International Conference on Software Engineering. Berlin, Germany, March 25-29, 1996
Program Synthesis from Film Specifications
Prototypes as Assets, not Toys: Why and How to Extract Knowledge from Prototypes
Quality Society Users: Proc./Digital Equipment Computer Users Society, V.2, No 1.(папка)
Quality Society Users: Proc./Digital Equipment Computer Users Society, V.2, No 2.(папка)
Querying GIS with Animated Spatial Sketches
Reducing and Estimating the Cost of Test Coverage Criteria
Reengineering to the Web: A Reference Architecture
Regression Analysis of Reusable Program Components
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