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ACM Trans. Mathematical Software
Связанные издания:
Algorithm 719 - Multiprecision Translation and Execution of FORTRAN Programs
Algorithm 720 - An Algorithm for Adaptive Cubature Over a Collection of 3-Dimensional Simplices
Algorithm 721 - MTIEU1 and MTIEU2: Two Subroutines to Compute Eigenvalues and Solutions to Mathieu s Differential Equation for Noninteger and Integer Order
Algorithm 727: Quantile Estimation Using Overlapping Batch Statistics
Algorithm 731: A Moving-Grid Interface for Systems of One-Dimensional Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations
A Parallel Block Implementation of Level-3 BLAS for MIMD Vector Processors
GFUN: A Maple Package for the Manipulation of Generating and Holonomic Functions in One Variable
Implementation and Computational Results for the Hierarchical Algorithm for Making Sparse Matrices Sparser
Implementing Complex Elementary Functions Using Exception Handling
On the Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms: Comparison of three New Methods on Characteristic Problems from Applications
QR-Like Algorithms for the Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem
Sparse QR Factorization in MATLAB
Template-Driven Interfaces for Numerical Subroutines
The Computation of Eigenvalues and Solutions of Mathieu s Differential Equation for Noninteger Order