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Computer Graphics
Связанные издания:
A Coherent Projection Approach for Direct Volume Rendering
A Comprehensive Physical Model for Light Reflection
A Global Illumination Solution for General Reflectance Distributions
An Efficient Antialiasing Techniqie
A New Simple and Efficient Antialiasing with Subpixel Masks
Animated Free-Form Deformation: An Interactive Animation Technique
Animation Aerodynamics
Animation of Dynamic Legged Locomotion
An Object-Oriented Framework for the Integration of Interactive Animation Techniques
An Object-Oriented Library for Hierarchical Animation Sequences
A Nontraditional Computer Graphics Course for Computer Science Students
A Progressive Multi-Pass Method for Global Illumination
A Rapid Hierarchical Radiosity Algorithm
Artificial Evolution for Computer Graphics
Automated Generation of Intent-Based 3D Illustrations
Computer Animation of Knowledge-Based Human Grasping
Computer Graphics Curriculum: Time for a Change?
Computer Graphics Education in Germany
Computer Graphics in the Undergraduate Biology Laboratory
Convolution Surfaces
Coping with Friction for Non-penetrating Rigid Body Simulation
Deformable Curve and Surface Finite-Elements for Free-Form Shape Design
Design and Simulation of Opera Lighting and Projection Effects
Digital Halftoning with Space Filling Curves
Efficient Antialiased Rendering of 3-d Linear Fractals
Entertainment Driven Collaboration
Generalized Implicit Functions For Computer Graphics
Generating Textures on Arbitrary Surfaces Using Reaction-Diffusion
Geometrically Deformed Models: A Method for Extracting Closed Geometric Models from Volume Data
Hierarchical Splatting: A progressive Refinement Algorithm for Volume Rendering
"If VR Is So Great, Why Are VR Entertainment Systems So Poor?"
Inkwell: A 2 1/2-D Animation System
Inspiring the Future: Merging Mass Communication, Art, Entertainment and Virtual Environments
Interactive Behaviors for Bipedal Articulated Figures
Interactivity and Individual Viewpoint in Shared Virtual Worlds: The Big Screen vs. Networked Personal Displays
Introduction to the Computer Graphics Reference Model
Making Radiosity Usable: Automatic Preprocessing and Meshing Techniques for the Generation of Accurate Radiosity Solutions
Military Networking Technology Applied to Location-Based, Theme Park and Home Entertainment Systems
Model-based Matching and Hinting of Fonts
Motion Without Movement
Piecewise Surface Flattening for Non-Distorted Texture Mapping
Placeholder: Landscape and Narrative in Virtual Environments
Reaction-Diffusion Textures
Real Interactivity in Interactive Entertainment
Sculpting: An Interactive Volumetric Modeling Technique
Specifying Gestures by Example
Spectrally Optimal Sampling for Distribution Ray Tracing
Spot Noise
Survey of High Performance Image Generators RTG s Staff Rounds Up the Machines that Make Pictures in Real Time
Theaters of Illusion: The Continuing Evolution of Entertainment Simulation
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