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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
A Framework for Network Protocol Software
A Metaobject Protocol for C++
An Algebraic Semantics of Subobjects
Annotating Objects for Transport to Other Worlds
A Reflective Model for First Class Dependencies
Bidirectional Object Layout for Separate Compilation
Compiling Away the Meta-Level in Object-Oriented Concurrent Reflective Languages Using Partial Evaluation
Creating the Architecture of a Manufacturing Framework by Design Patterns
Evolving to Objects - The Witches Brew
Extending SQL-92 for OODB Access: Design and Implementation Experience
Extending the Statechart Formalism: Event Scheduling & Disposition
How and Why to Encapsulate Class Trees
Interactive Visualization of Design Patterns Can Help in Framework Understanding
Lessons from the Battlefield
Lessons from the Experiences of Leading-Edge Object Technology Projects in Hewlett-Packard
Minimizing Row Displacement Dispatch Tables
Modular Reasoning in the Presence of Subclassing
Object-Oriented State Machines: Subclassing, Composition, Delegation and Genericity
On the Semantic Diversity of Delegation-Based Programming Languages
Patterns in Practice
Problem-Oriented Object Memory: Customizing Consistency
Profile-Guided Receiver Class Prediction
Release-to-Release Binary Compatibility in SOM
SCONE: Using Concurrent Objects for Low-level Operating System Programming
SmartFiles: An OO Approach to Data File Interoperability
Sound Polymorphic Type Inference for Objects
Subject-Oriented Composition Rules
Subtypes vs. Where Clauses: Constraining Parametric Polymorphism
The Self-4.0 Interface: Manifesting a System-wide Vision of Concreteness, Uniformity, and Flexibility
Towards a Methodology for Explicit Composition of MetaObjects
Type Feedback vs. Concrete Type Inference: A Comparison of Optimization Techniques for Object-Oriented Languages
Using a Prototype-based Language for User Interface: The Newton Project s Experience