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Связанные издания:
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction: Coping with Diversity: Part I: Proc./4th Intl Conference, UAHCI 2007, Part of HCI Intl 2007. Beijing, China, July 2007
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction:Intelligent and Ubiquitous Interaction Environments: Part II: Proc./5th Intl Conf. UAHCI 2009, part of HCI Intl 2009. San Diego, CA, USA, July 2009
Universal Access - Theoretical Perspectives, Practice, and Experience: Proc./7th ERCIM Intern. Workshop on User Interfaces for All, Paris, France, October 2002
Universality and Cellular Automata
Universal Multiservice Networks: Proc./Third European Conference, ECUMN 2004. Porto, Portugal, October 2004
Universal Routing Strategies for Interconnection Networks
Unsound Theorem Proving
Untangling Configuration Management
Update Conscious Inverted Indexes for XML Queries in Relational Databases
Upper and Lower Bounds on Sizes of Finite Bisimulations of Pfaffian Hybrid Systems
Up-to Techniques for Weak Bisimulation
Urn Models and Yao s Formula
Usability and Internationalization: HCI and Culture: Part II: Proc./2nd Intl Conference, UI-HCII 2007, Part of HCI International 2007. Beijing, China, July 2007
Usability and Internationalization: HCI and Culture: Part I: Proc./2nd Intl Conference, UI-HCII 2007, Part of HCI International 2007. Beijing, China, July 2007
Usability: formalising (un)definedness in typed lambda calculus
User-Centered Interaction Paradigms for Universal Access in the Information Society: Revised Selected Papers/8th ERCIM International Workshop on User Interfaces for All. Vienna, Austria, June 2004
User-Defined Aggregates in Database Languages
User Modeling 2001: Proc./8th Intern. Conf., UM 2001, Sonthofen, Germany, July 2001
User Modeling 2003: Proc./9th Intern. Conf., UM 2003, Johnstown, PA, USA, June 2003
User Modeling 2005: Proc./10th International Conference, UM 2005. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, July 2005
User Modeling 2007: Proc./11th International Conference, UM 2007. Corfu, Greece, June 2007
User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization: Proc./17th International Conference, UMAP 2009, formerly UM and AH. Trento, Italy, June 2009
Using Architectural Model at Runtime: Research Challenges
Using a Symbolic Model Checker for Verify Safety Properties in SA/RT Models
Using Classical Theorem-Proving Techniques for Approximate Reasoning: Revised Report
Using Coloured Petri Nets to Model and Verity Telecommunications Systems
Using Conceptual Graphs in a Multifaceted Logical Model for Information Retrieval
Using Delta Relations to Optimize Condition Evaluation in Active Databases
Using Interface Refinement to Integrate Formal Verification into the Design Cycle
Using Knowledge-Based Techniques for Parallelization on Parallelizing Compilers
Using Korba in the Web Operating System
Using Message-oriented Middleware for Reliable Web Services Messaging
Using MetaML: A Staged Programming Language
Using Metaobject Protocols to Implement Atomic Data Types
Using Model Checking for Reducing the Cost of Test Generation
Using Modes to Ensure Subject Reduction for Typed Logic Progranms with Subtyping
Using Mozart for Visualizing Agent-Based Simulations
Using Multiversion Object-Oriented Databases in CAD/CIM Systems
Using Preference Based Heuristics to Control Abductive Reasoning
Using Queue Time Predictions for Processor Allocation
Using RDF to Query Spatial XML
Using Simulation to Visualise andd Analyse Product-Process Dependencies in Software Development Projects
Using Z to Rigorously Review a Specification of a Network Management System
Utility Computing: Proc./15th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management, DSOM 2004. Davis, CA, USA, November 2004
Utilizing Problem Structure in Planning
UUXML: A Type-Preserving XML Schema-Haskell Data Binding
Validating Quality of Service for Reusable Software Via Model-Integrated Distributed Continuous Quality Assurance
Validation of Stochastic Systems. A Guide to Current Research
Variability and Component Composition
Variational, Geometric, and Level Set Methods on Computer Vision: Proc./Third International Workshop, VLSM 2005. Beijing, China, October 2005
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