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Advances in Computer Science - ASIAN 2004: Higher Level Decision Making: Proc./9th Asian Computer Science Conference Dedicated to Jean-Louis Lassez on the Occasion of His 5th Cycle Birthday. Chiang Mai, Thailand, December 2004
Advances in Computer Science - ASIAN 2005: Data Management on the Web: Proc./10th Asian Computing Science Congference. Kunming, China, December 2005
Advances in Computer Systems Architecture: Proc./10th Asia-Pacific Conference, ACSAC 2005. Singapore, October 2005
Advances in Computer Systems Architecture: Proc./11th Asia-Pacific Conference, ACSAC 2006. Shanghai, China, September 2006
Advances in Computer Systems Architecture: Proc./12th Asia-Pacific Conference, ACSAC 2007. Seoul, Korea, August 2007
Advances in Computer Systems Architecture: Proc./8th Asia-Pacific Conf., ACSAC 2003, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, September 2003
Advances in Computer Systems Architecture: Proc./9th Asia-Pacific Conference, ACSAC 2004. Beijing, China, September 2004
Advances in Computing Science - ASIAN 2000: Proc./6th Asian Computing Science Conference Penang,Malaysia,November 2000
Advances in Computing Science - ASIAN 2003. Programming Languages and Distributed Computation: Proc./8th Asian Computing Science Conf., Mumbai, India, December 2003
Advances in Computing Science - ASIAN 97: Proc./Third Asian Computing Science Conf. Kathmandu, Nepal, December 1997
Advances in Computing Science - ASIAN 98: Proc./4th Asian Computing Science Conf. Manila, The Philippines, December 1998
Advances in Computing Science - ASIAN 99: Proc./5th Asian Computing Science Conf. Phuket, Thailand, December 1999
Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Challenges and Opportunities: Proc./ER 2008 Workshops CMLSA, ECDM, FP-UML, M2AS, RIGiM, SeCoGIS, WISM. Barcelona, Spain, October 2008
Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Challenging Perspectives: Proc./ER 2009 Workshops CoMoL, ETheCoM, FP-UML, MOST-ONISW, QoIS, RIGiM, SeCoGIS. Gramando, Brazil, November 2009
Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Foundations and Applications: Proc./ER 2007 Workshops CMLSA, FP-UML, ONISW, QoIS, RIGiM, SeCoGIS. Auckland, New Zealand, November 2007
Advances in Conceptual Modeling: Proc./ER 99 Workshop on Evolution and Change in Data Management, Reverse Engineering in Information Systems, and the World Wide Web and Conceptual Modeling. Paris, France, November 1999
Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Theory and Practice: Proc./ER 2006 Workshops BP-UML, CoMoGIS, COSS, ECDM, OIS, QolS, SemWAT. Tucson,AZ,USA,November 2006
Advances in Cross-Language Information Retrieval: Revised Papers/Third Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLIFF 2002, Rome, Italy, September 2002
Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 94: Proc./4th Intern. Conf. on the Theory and Applications of Cryptology. Wollongong, Australia, November-December 1994
Advances in Cryptology - AUSCRYPT 92: Proc./Workshop on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, December 1992
Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 92: Proc./12th Annual Intern. Cryptology Conf. Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 1992
Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 93: Proc./13th Annual Intern. Cryptology Conf. Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 1993
Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 94: Proc./14th Annual Intern. Cryptology Conf. Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 1994
Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 95: Proc./15th Annual International Criptology Conference, Sants Barbara, California, USA, August 1995
Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 92: Proc./Workshop on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques. Balatonfured, Hungary, May 1992
Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 93: Proc./Workshop on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques. Lofthus, Norway, May 1993
Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 94: Proc./Workshop on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques Perugia, Italy, May 1994
Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 95: Proc./Intern. Conf. on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques. Saint-Malo, France, May 1995
Advances in Data and Web Management: Proc./Joint 9th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2007 & 8th Intl Conference on Web-Age Information Management, WAIM 2007. Huang Shan, China, June 2007
Advances in Data and Web Management: Proc./Joint International Conferences, APWeb/WAIM 2009. Suzhou, China, April 2009
Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proc./10th East European Conference, ADBIS 2006. Thessaloniki, Greece, September 2006
Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proc./11th East European Conference, ADBIS 2007. Varna, Bulgaria, September/October 2007
Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proc./5th East European Conf., ADBIS 2001, Vilnius, Lithuania, September 2001
Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proc./6th East European Conf., ADBIS 2002, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 2002
Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proc./7th East European Conf., ADBIS 2003, Dresden, Germany, September 2003
Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proc./8th East European Conference, ADBIS 2004. Budapest, Hungary, September 2004
Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proc./9th East European Conference, ADBIS 2005. Tallinn, Estonia, September 2005
Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proc./Second East European Symp., ADBIS 98. Poznan, Poland, September 1998
Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proc./Third East European Conf., ADBIS 99. Maribor, Slovenia, September 1999
Advances in Databases and Informdation Systems: Proc./12th East European Conference, ADBIS 2008. Pori, Finland, September 2008
Advances in Databases: Concepts, Systems, and Applications: Proc./12th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, DASFAA 2007. Bangkok, Thailand, April 2007
Advances in Databases: Proc./14th British National Conf. on Databases, BNCOD 14. Edinburgh, United Kingdom, July 1996
Advances in Databases: Proc./15th British National Conf. on Databases, BNCOD 15. London, United Kingdom, July 1997
Advances in Databases: Proc./16th British National Conf. on Databases, BNCOD 16. Cardiff, Wales, UK, July 1998
Advances in Databases: Proc./17th British Conf. on Databases, BNCOD 17. Exeter, UK, July 2000
Advances in Databases: Proc./18th British National Conf. on Databases, BNCOD 18, Chilton, UK, July 2001
Advances in Databases: Proc./19th British National Conf. on Databases, BNCOD 19, Sheffield, UK, July 2002
Advances in Database Technologies: Proc./ER 98 Workshops on Data Warehousing and Data Mining, Mobile Data Access, and Collaborative Work Support and Spatio-Temporal Data Management. Singapore, November 1998
Advances in Database Technology - EDBT 2000: Proc./7th Intern. Conf. on Extending Database Technology. Konstanz, Germany, March 2000
Advances in Database Technology - EDBT 2002: Proc./8th Intern. Conf. on Extending Database Technology, Prague, Czech Republic, March 2002
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