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Связанные издания:
Advances in Web-Based Learning - ICWL 2005: Proc./4th International Conference. Hong Kong, Chine, July/August 2005
Advances in Web Based Learning - ICWL 2006: Revised Papers/ 5th International Conference, Penang,Malaysia,July 2006
Advances in Web Based Learning - ICWL 2007: Proc./6th International Conference. Edinburgh, UK, August 2007
Advances in Web Based Learning - ICWL 2008: Proc./7th International Conference. Jinhua, China, August 2008
Advances in Web-Based Learning: Proc./First Intern. Conf., ICWL 2002, Hong Kong, China, August 2002
Advances in Web Intelligence: Proc./First Intern. Atlantic Web Intelligence Conf., AWIC 2003, Madrid, Spain, May 2003
Advances in Web Intelligence: Proc./Second International Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference,AWIC 2004.Cancun.Maxico,May 2004
Advances in Web Intelligence: Proc./Third International Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference, AWIC 2005. Lodz, Poland, June 2005
Advances In Web Mining and Web Usage Analysis: Revised Papers/7th Intl WS WebKDD 2005. Chicago, IL, USA, August 2005
Advances in Web Mining and Web Usage Analysis: Revised Papers/8th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery on the Web, WebKDD 2006. Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 2006
Advances in Web Mining and Web Usage Analysis: Revised Papers/9th Intl Workshop WebKDD 2007 & 1st Intl Workshop SNA-KDD 2007. San Jose, CA, USA, August 2007
Advances in Web Mining and Web Usage Analysis: Revised Selected Papers/6th Intl WS WebKDD 2004. Seattle, WA, USA, August 2004
Advances in Web Semantics I: Ontologies, Web Services and Applied Semantic Web
Advances in XML Information Retrieval and Evaluation: Revised Selected Papers/4th International Workshop of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval, INEX 2005. Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, November 2005
Advances in XML Information Retrieval: Revised Selected Papers/Third International Workshop INEX 2004. Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, December 2004
Advancing in the State of the Art in Run-Time Inspection
Advansed Database Systems.:Proc./10th British Conf. on Database, BNCOD 10 Aberdeen, Scotland, July 1992
Advences in Computing Science - ASIAN 2002 - Internet-Computing and Modeling, Grid Computing, Peer-to-Peer Computing, and Cluster Compuing: Proc./7th Asian Computing Science Conf., Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2002
A Dynamic Yask Scheduling Algorithm for Grid Computing System
AEGIS: An Active-Network-Powered Defense Mechanism against DDoS Attacks
A Fault Tolerant Abstraction for Transparent Distributed Programming
A Feature Based Reuse Library
Affect and Emotion in Human-Computer Interaction: From Theory to Practice
Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction: Proc./First International Conference, ACII 2005. Beijing, China, October 2005
Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction: Proc./Second International Conference, ACII 2007. Lisbon, Portugal, September 2007
Affective Dialogue Systems: Proc./ Tutorial and Research Workshop,ADS 2004. Kloster Irsee, Germany,June 2004
Affective Interactions
A Fine-Grain Sort Discipline and its Application to Formal Program Construction
A First Assessment of Development Processes with Respect to Product Lines and Component Based Development
A Flexible and Secure Deployment Framework for Distributed Applications
A Flexible Tradeoff Between Code Size and WCET Using a Dual Instruction Set Processor
A Formal Approach to Software Design: The Clepsydra Methodology
A Formal Framework for ASTRAL Inter-level Proof Obligations
A Formal Semantics for a Language with Type Extension
A Formal Study of the Mcube Interconnection Network
A Foundation Vision of e-Services
A Frame-Based Approach for Interoperation Support in Multidatabase Systems
A Framework for Architectural Description of Embedded System
A Framework for Automatic Identification of the Best Checkpoint and Recovery Protocol
A Framework for E-markets: Monitoring Contract Fulfillment
A Framework for Exploiting Conceptual Modeling in the Evaluation of Web Application Quality
A Framework for Machine-Assisted User Interface Verification
A Framework for-Optimizing Distributed Workflow Executions
A Framework for Specification and Validation of Real-Time Systems Using Circus Actions
A Framework for the Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation of Improvement Programmes
A Framework for the Investigation of Aggregate Function in Database Queries
A Framework for the Simulation of Web Applications
A Functional Programming System SFP: Sisal 3.1 Language Structures Decomposition
A Functional Scenario for Bytecode Verification of Resource Bounds
A Fusion-Embedded Skeleton Library
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