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Proc. of the ACM SIGPLAN Symp. on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation
Связанные издания:
Abstract Interpretation and Low-Level Code Optimization
Action Transformation by Partial Evaluation
Analyzing the Communication Topology of Concurrent Programs
A Symbolic Constraint Solving Framework for Analysis of Logic Programs
Clock Analysis of Synchronous Dataflow Programs
Effect Systems with Subtyping
Higher-Order Expression Procedures
Implementation of Multiple Specialization in Logic Programs
Mix Ten Years Later
Polyvariant Specialization for Higher-Order, Block-Structured Languages
Proving Properties of Programs Defined Over Recursive Data Structures
Schedulers as Abstract Interpretations of Higher-Dimensional Automata
Self-Applicable Online Partial Evaluation of the Pure Lambda Calculus
Semantic Analysis of Shared-Memory Concurrent Languages using Abstract Model-Checking
Semantic Foundations of Binding-Time Analysis for Imperative Programs
Semantic Models and Abstract Interpretation Techniques for Inductive Data Structures and Pointers
Shape Analysis as a Generalized Path Problem
The Essence of LR Parsing
The Replacement Operation for CLP Modules
Towards Creating Specialized Integrity Checks Through Partial Evaluation of Meta-Interpreters
Type Analysis of Logic Programs in the Presence of Type Definitions
Using Abstract Interpretation to Define a Strictness Type Inference System