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ACM Trans. on Software Engineering and Methodology
Связанные издания:
Abstracting Dependencies between Software Configuration Items
A Hierarchy-Aware Approach to Faceted Classification of Object-Oriented Components
An Empirical Study of Static Call Graph Extractors
Applying GQM in an Industrial Software Factory
Checking Safety Properties Using Compositional Reachability Analysis
Composite Model-Checking: Verification with Type-Specific Symbolic Representations
Composition and Refinement of Discrete Real-Time Systems
Corrigenda a Hierarchy-Aware Approach to Faceted Classification of Object-Oriented Components
Delta Algorithms: An Empirical Analysis
Eliciting Software Process Models with the E3 Language
Estimation of Software Reliability by Stratified Sampling
Fault Classes and Error Detection Capability of Specification-Based Testing
Formalizing Space Shuttle Software Requirements: Four Case Studies
From Formal Models to Formally Based Methods: An Industrial Experience
In Black and White: An Integrated Approach to Class-Level Testing of Object-Oriented Programs
Managing Inconsistent Specifications: Reasoning, Analysis, and Action
PRIME - Toward Process Integrated Modeling Environments
Reifying Variants in Configuration Management
Software Process Modeling and Execution within Virtual Environments
Supporting the Restructuring of Data Abstractions through Manipulation of a Program Visualization
The Chaining Approach for Software Test Data Generation
The Desert Environment
Toward Formalizing Structured Analysis
Understanding the Sources of Variation in Software Inspections
Using Shape Analysis to Reduce Finite-State Models of Concurrent Java Programs