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Связанные издания:
1993 Annual Report
A Case Study in Partial Specification: Consistency and Refinement for Object-Z
Advances in Information Modeling and Knowledge Bases
Advances in Software Reuse: Proc./Selected Papers from the Second Intern. Workshop on Software Reusability. Lucca, Italy, March 24-26, 1993
An Animatable Operational Semantics of the Verilog Hardware Description Language
An Integrated CSP-Based Tool for the Visualisation, Animation and Performance Evaluation of Message Passing Algorithms
A Unified Algebraic Framework for Specifying Communication Protocols
ClawZ: Control Laws in Z
Composing Specifications in VSPEC
Computing the Future
Directory of U.S. Resources on the Rule of Law for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union
Embedding Formally Proved Code in a Smart Card: Converting B to C
Evolving the High Performance Computing and Communications. Initiative to Support the Nation s Information Infrastructure
Filter Promotion Transformation Strategies for Deriving Efficient Programs from Z Specifications
Formal Derivation of Multilayered Hardware/Software Structures
Formal Foundations of Object-Oriented Modeling Notations
Fragmented Retrenchment, Concurrency and Fairness
Highly Reliable Component-Based Software Development by using Algebraic Behavioral Specification
Information Modeling and Knowledge Bases IV
Information Technology for Manufacturing
Information Technology in the Service Society
International Conference on Management of Data, Washington, D.C.,USA, June 1976
International Science Foundation. 1994 Annual Report
International Science Foundation. 1994 Annual Report Supplement
Maximally Abstract Retrenchments
Mechanical Verification of Transaction Processing Systems
Parallel and Distributed Systems: Proc./ICPADS 2000 Workshops of the Seventh International Conference, Iwata, Japan, 4-7 July 2000
Proceedings of 21st National Conference - Association for Computing Machinery
Proceedings of Third IEEE International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods - ICFEM 2000, York, England, 4-6 September 2000
Proc.of the 1st National Conference on Software Engineering: Washington, D.C., September 1975
Realizing the Information Future
SPIN vs. VIS: A Case Study on the Formal Verification of the ATMR Protocol
Structuring Reactive Systems in B AMN
Summary of Awards. Fiscal Year 1992
The Changing Nature of Telecommunications/Information Infrastructure
Translating UAN into CSP
Using Use Cases in Executable Z