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Связанные издания:
Abstract compilation of LambdaProlog
A Comparison of Automatic versus Manual Parallelization of the Boyer-Moore Theorem Prover
A Computational Logic Handbook
Adapting a Full-text Information Retrieval System to the Computer Troubleshooting Domain
ADDS Transaction Management System
A Deductive Object-Oriented Approach to Information System Modeling
A Distance Learning Package for Parallel Computing
A Distributed Implementation of Flat Concurrent Prolog on transputer Architectures
A Document Retrieval Model Based on Term Frequency Ranks
Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proc./Second International Workshop on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 95), Moscow,27-30 June 1995
A Full-Text Retrieval System with a Dynamic Abstract Generation Function
A Future-based Parallel Language for a General-purpose Highly-parallel Computer
A General Framework for Database Design Strategies
A High-Level Intermediate Language and the Algorithms for Compiling Finite-Domain Constraints
Algebra of Logic Programming
A Meta-Language for Specification of Evolving Class and Object Lattices in OODB
A Method for Designing Concurrent Programs
AMI: Application of Metrics in Industry
A Multidisciplinary Laboratory with Occam and the Transputer
A Multi-Microprocessor Architecture Intended as an Extension of a Personal Computer
An Abstract Machine for Restricted AND-Parallel Execution of Logic Programs
An algebra of concurrent non-deterministic processes
An algebra of mixed computation
Analysis of program optimization possibilities and futher development
Andrei P. Ershov - a friend and a rival
Andrej Petrovich Ershov
An Evaluation Method for Stemming Algorithms
A New Compilation Technique for Parallelizing Loops with Unpredictable Branches on a VLIW Architecture
An investigation into software testing for parallel computing
Annual Report and Accounts 1993-1994
Annual Report and Accounts 1994-1995
A Parallel Development Environment for the IPSC Hypercube
A Probabilistic Terminological Logic for Modeling Information Retrieval
ARIES/NT Modification for Advanced Transactions Support
A Sequential Algorithm for Training Text Classifiers
A Stack-Based Approach to Query Languages
A Status Report on CONSUL
A System for Discovering Relationships by Feature Extraction from Text Databases
A Theory of Loop Permutations
A Transputer-based Parallel Rendering Engine for Computer Graphics
Automatic Combination of Multiple Ranked Retrieval Systems
Basic VLSI Design: Systems and Circuits. Second Edition
Blackboard Programming in Shared Prolog
Boolean Functions and Equations
Charles Babbage and his Calculating Engines
Chimera: A Model and Language for Active DOOD Systems
CLAIRE: Combining Sets, Search and Rules to Better Express Algorithms
Code Generation and Separate Compilation in a Parallel Program Debugger
Comparison of Clustering Algorithms in a Single User Environment through 007 Benchmark
Compile Time Optimization of Memory and Register Usage on the Cray 2
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