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Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
Связанные издания:
Chinese Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing Based on Naturally Annotated Big Data: Proc./15th China National Conference, CCL 2016, and 4th International Symposium, NLP-NABO 2016, Yantai, China, October 2016
Chinese Computational Linguistics: Proc./18th China National Conference, CCL 2019, Kunming, China, October 2019
Chinese Computational Linguistics: Proc./19th China National Conference, CCL 2020, Hainin, China, October 2020
Chinese Computational Linguistics: Proc./20th China National Conference, CCL 2021, Hohhot, China, August 2021
Chinese Computattional Linguistics and Natural Language Processing Based on Naturally Annotated Big Data: Proc./16th China National Conference, CCL 2017 and 5th International Symposium, NLP-NABD 2017, Nanjing, China, October 2017
Chinese Lexical Semantics: Revised Selected Papers/13th Workshop, CLSW 2012, Wuhan, China, July 2012
Chinese Lexical Semantics: Revised Selected Papers/14th Workshop, CLSW 2013, Zhengzhou, China, May 2013
Chinese Lexical Semantics: Revised Selected Papers/15th Workshop, CLSW 2014, Macao, China, June 2014
Chinese Lexical Semantics: Revised Selected Papers/16th Workshop, CLSW 2015, Beijing, China, May 2015
Chinese Lexical Semantics: Revised Selected Papers/17th Workshop, CLSW 2016, Singapore, Singapore, May 2016
Chinese Lexical Semantics: Revised Selected Papers/18th Workshop, CLSW 2017, Leshan, China, May 2017
Chinese Lexical Semantics: Revised Selected Papers/19th Workshop, CLSW 2018, Chiayi, Taiwan, May 2018
Chinese Lexical Semantics: Revised Selected Papers/20th Workshop, CLSW 2019, Beijing, China, June 2019
Chinese Lexical Semantics: Revised Selected Papers/21st Workshop, CLSW 2020, Hong Kong, China, May 2020
Chinese Spoken Language Processing: Proc./5th International Symposium,ISCSLP 2006, Singapore,December 2006
Citizen in Sensor Networks: Revised Selected Papers/1st International Workshop, CitiSens 2012, Monpellier, France, August 2012
Citizen in Sensor Networks: Revised Selected Papers/2nd International Workshop, CitiSens 2013, Barcelona, Spain, September 2013
Cmputer-Mediated Social Networking: Revised Selected Papers/ First International Conference, ICCMSN 2008. Dunedin, New Zealand, June 2008
Cognitive Agents for Virtual Environments: Revised Selected Papers/1st International Workshop, CAVE 2012 Held at AAMAS 2012, Valencia, Spain, June 2012
Cognitive Systems: Revised Selected Papers/ Joint Chinese-German Workshop. Shanghai, China, March 2005
Cognitive Technology: Instruments of Mind: Proc./4th Intern. Conf., CT 2001, Coventry, UK, August 2001
Collaboration between Human and Artificial Intelligence: Coordination and Agent-Based Distributed Computing
Collaborative Agents - Research and Development: Revised Selected Papers/ International Worcshops CARE@AI09/CARE@IAT10, Melbourne, Australia, December 2009 and Toronto, Canada, August 2010
Collective Robotics: Proc./First Intern. Workshop, CRW 98. Paris, France, July 1998
Combined Logics of Knowledge, Time, and Actions for Reasoning about Multi-Agent Systems
Communication and Cooperation in Agent Systems: A Pragmatic Theory
Communication in Multiagent Systems
Comparison of Simplification Orderings
Computable Models of the Law: Languages, Dialogues, Games, Ontologies
Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology: Proc./2nd International Conference, Europhras 2017, London, UK, November 2017
Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology: Proc./International Conference, Europhras 2019, Malaga, Spain, September 2019
Computational Collective Intelligence, Part II: Proc./10th International Conference, ICCCI 2018, Bristol, UK, September 2018
Computational Collective Intelligence, Part II: Proc./11th International Conference, ICCCI 2019, Hendaye, France, September 2019
Computational Collective Intelligence, Part II: Proc./7th International Conference, ICCCI 2015, Madrid, Spain, September 2015
Computational Collective Intelligence, Part II: Proc./8th International Conference, ICCCI 2016, Halkidiki, Greece, September 2016
Computational Collective Intelligence, Part II: Proc./9th International Conference, ICCCI 2017, Nicosia, Cyprus, September 2017
Computational Collective Intelligence, Part I: Proc./11th International Conference, ICCCI 2019, Hendaye, France, September 2019
Computational Collective Intelligence, Part I: Proc./7th International Conference, ICCCI 2015, Madrid, Spain, September 2015
Computational Collective Intelligence, Part I: Proc./8th International Conference, ICCCI 2016, Halkidiki, Greece, September 2016
Computational Collective Intelligence, Part I: Proc./9th International Conference, ICCCI 2017, Nicosia, Cyprus, September 2017
Computational Collective Intelligence: Proc./12th International Conference, ICCCI 2020, Da Nang, Vietnam, November 2020
Computational Collective Intelligence: Proc./13th International Conference, ICCCI 2021, Rhodes, Greece, September 2021
Computational Collective Intelligence. Semantic Web, Social Networks and Multiagent Systems: Proc./1st Intl Conf. ICCCI 2009. Wroclav, Poland, October 2009
Computational Collective Intelligence. Technologies and Applications, Part III: Proc./2nd International Conference, ICCCI 2010, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 2010
Computational Collective Intelligence. Technologies and Applications, Part II: Proc./2nd International Conference, ICCCI 2010, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 2010
Computational Collective Intelligence. Technologies and Applications, Part II: Proc./3rd International Conference, ICCCI 2011, Gdynia, Poland, September 2011
Computational Collective Intelligence. Technologies and Applications, Part II: Proc./4th International Conference, ICCCI 2012, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, November 2012
Computational Collective Intelligence. Technologies and Applications, Part I: Proc./2nd International Conference, ICCCI 2010, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 2010
Computational Collective Intelligence. Technologies and Applications, Part I: Proc./3nd International Conference, ICCCI 2011, Gdynia, Poland, September 2011
Computational Collective Intelligence. Technologies and Applications, Part I: Proc./4th International Conference, ICCCI 2012, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, November 2012
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