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Связанные издания:
1+1=1 : An Optimizing Caml Compiler
A Calculus of Gamma programs
A Complete Modal Proof System For HAL: The Herbrand Agent Language
A Component Model for Synchronous VLSI System Design
Acyclic Fork-Join Queueing Networks
A Database Rule Language Compiler Supporting Parallelism
A debugger for O2, an Object-Oriented Language
A Debugging Environment for Functional Programming in Centaur
A Distributed Architecture for Programming Environments
A Fault Tolerant Tightly Coupled Multiprocessor Architecture Based on Stable Transactional Memory
A Framework for O2 Schema Updates
A General Approach to Trace-Checking in Distributed Computing Systems
A General Method to Define Quorums
ALPHA du Centaur: A Prototype Environment for the Design of Parallel Regular Algorithms
An Alternate Representation of Distributed Computations
Analysis of a Distributed Algorithm for Mutual Exclusion
An Approach to Transputer Programs Developments: from Fine-Grained to Coarse-Grained Parallelism
An Exception Handing Mechanism for Parallel Object-Oriented Programming.Towards the Design of Reusable and Robust Distributed Software
An Integrated Trigger Function Parallel System
An Object-Oriented Approach to Integrated Systems of Program Development
A non-interleaving Semantics for CCS Based on Proved Transitions
A Note on Guarded Recursion
A process semantics and equivalences of logic programs
A Proposed Classification of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Using Consistency Analysis
Architecture systolique pour la correction automatique de libelle d adresse
A Simple Graph Construction of Semilinear Reachability Sets of Vector Addition Systems
A stochastic approximation type em algorithm for the mixture problem
A Strategy for Array Management in Local Memory
A Study on the Cache Memory Miss Ratio Issue in Multiprocessor Systems
Attributed Tree Grammars
Automatic Generation of Schedulers in the Framework of the PAGODE System
Automatic Parallelization of Statements without if Conversion
Average case analysis of unification algorithms
Bases de Donnees
Building user interfaces with the LOOKS hyper-object system
Colloques IRIA: Construction, amelioration et verification de programmes. July 1975
Colloques IRIA: Protection in Operating Systems: Proc./International Workshop, Rocquencourt, August 1974
Compact Balanced Tries
Compiling a Rule Database Program into a C/SQL Application
Computability of Recurrence Equations
Computations in APS
Computer Architecture: Proc./7th Annual Symposium on Computer Architecture, Rocquencourt, France, May 1980
Computing the Toughness and the Scattering Number for Interval and Other Graphs
Conception des systemes a evenements discrets a l aide des reseaux de Petri: la propriete de bornitude structurelle
Conditional Rewrite Rules as an Algebraic Semantics of Processes
Construction of Programs- an Alternative to Automatic Synthesis
COOL: Kernel support for object-oriented environments
Critical Issues for the Development of Distributed Real-Time Computing Sustems
Data Abstraction, Bulk Data and Relations in Database Programming Languages
Database Issues in Object-Oriented Design
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