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Связанные издания:
A Compositional Semantics for Statecharts
A compositional semantics for the Turing machine
Addison-Wesley Trade Computer Books 1992
Advances in Information Modeling and Knowledge Bases
A fully abstract model for concurrent nondeterministic processes based on posets with non-actions
Algebraic Techniques for Concurrency and their Application
Algebra of States and Transitions
An algebra of concurrent non-deterministic processes
An algebra of mixed computation
Analysis of program optimization possibilities and futher development
Andrei P. Ershov - a friend and a rival
Andrej Petrovich Ershov
Annual Report 1987
A Note on the Independence Assumption Underlying Subjective Bayesian Updating in Expert Systems
Application of Interval Domain Library: Expressing Connectivity via Non Linear Constraints
Application of Optimization Techniques to Correctness Problems
Application of the machine-oriented language EPSILON to the software development
Applications of Computability Theory over Abstract Data Types
A process specification formalism based on static COLD
Architecture of Parallel Inference Machines
Artificial Intelligence and Information-Control Systems of Robots-87
A Theoretical approach to polyvariant mixed computation
A Theory of Programs an Outline of Joint Work
A Tool Interface Language for PSF
Automata, Languages and Programming: Proc./Symposium IRIA, France, July 1972
Basis for program optimization
Boolean Functions and Equations
Bottom-up Enhancements of Deductive Systems
Branching Time and Abstraction in Bisimulation Semantics
Catalog of titles. Addison-Wesley Publ. Spring/Summer 1990
Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI). Frontier research for practical applications
Command Languages: Proc./IFIP Working Conference on Command Languages, Lund, Sweden, July 1974
Computer Architectures for Artificial Intelligence in New Generation Computer System Projects
Computing Distinguishing Formulas for Branching Bisimulation
Conditions for the algorithmic completeness of system of operations
Continuation Semantics for PROLOG with Cut
Cooperating-Proofs for Distributed Programs with Multy-Party Interactions
Database Management in Knowledge Based Systems
Designing a Parallel Object-Oriented Compiler Target Language (TOOL)
Design of a Specification Language by Abstract Syntax Engineering (prliminary version)
Draft Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 68 (ротапринт)
Equivalent Semantics for Process Creation
Essence of generalized partial computation
Exprompt - an Expert Knowledge Base Environment
Facets of Software Development
Fifth Generation Computer Architectures: Proc./IFIP TC 10 Working Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Architectures, Manchester, UK, July 1985
Four domains for concurrency
FROG: a PROLOG-based System for PROLOG-based Knowledge Representation
"From hidden places knowledge I obtained"
From partial evalution to mixed computation
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