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Computers and Artificial Intelligence
Связанные издания:
Hybrid Cooperating/Distributed Grammar Systems
Hybrid Systems for Expertise Modelling: From Concepts to a Medical Application in Electromyography
Incremental Knowledge Acquisition for Non-Monotonic Reasoning
Index Selection in a Distributed Relational Database
Inductive Learning Supported by Integer Programming
Lower Bound for Complexity of Product of Linear Combinations
Major Issues on PSEE: Process Software Engineering Environments
Mathematical Model of Pipeline Computation Organization
MB-Prolog: Message Brokered Communication Between Prolog Processes
Modeling of Neuronal Functions: A Neuron-like Element with the Graded Response
Modelling of Deeds and Normative Behavior in Intelligent Systems
Modifications of objects in a self-referencing system
Multiple Query Execution on a Multiprocessor Database Machine
Natural Language Paraphraser - A Computer Tool for Linguists
Nonmonotonic Logics for Belief Revision
On the Succinctness of Descriptions of Context-Free Languages by Cooperating/Distributed Grammar Systems
Optical Flow Computation on a Transputer-Based Architecture: the Use of a Parallel Object-Oriented Programming Environment
Organizing AI
Parallel Algorithms of Histogram Equalization on Parallel Computers of the Simb Type
Parallelization of Sparce Matrix Algorithms on Multiprocessors
Parallelizing Recursive Logic Programs Through Decomposition
Parallel Optimisation of Join Queries Using a Technique of Exhaustive Nature
Parallel Pattern Recognition using Dynamic Programming
PNS: A Dynamic Mapping Strategy for Massively Parallel Computers
Procedural Implementation of Abstract Data Types: Concept and Connection with Parametrization
Relation between Membership Functions in Fuzzy Sets Theory and Masses in Dempster-Shafer and Operator Theory in Logical Inference Systems
Representing Inheritance and Overriding in DATALOG
Runtime Redundancy Properties of DATALOG Programs
SEMPER: A Programming Environment for Parallel Object-Oriented Application
Simulation Approach to Design of Dataflow Computer
Stratified Grammar Systems
Sub-definiteness and Basic Means of Knowledge Representation
Sub-definiteness, Over-definiteness and Absurdity in Knowledge Bases (some formal aspects)
Synthesis of Optimal Throughput for Packet Communication Networks
The Asynchronous Zero-Searching Problem
The Contribution Adequancy Criterion and Its Application for Testing Approximate Knowledge in Expert Systems
The Criterion of the Informative Projection Choice in Computed Tomography
The Extent of Cooperation in State-Oriented Domains: Negotiation Among Tidy Agent
The Generation and Execution of Plans for Multiple Agents
The Structured Data Handling in High Performance Specialized Computer System
The undecidability of propositional temporal logic for Petri nets
Verification of Systolic Architecture Designs
Моделирование процесса понимания в проекте ВОСТОК
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