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Berlin Etc.
Связанные издания:
A collection of Test Problems for Constrained Global Optimization Algorithms
Advances in Computing and Information - ICCI 90
Advances in Computing and Information- ICCI 90
Advances in Cryptology- EYROCRYPT 90
Advances in Petri Nets 1990
Algebraic and Logic Programming
Algebraic Methods II: Theory, Tools and Applications
Analogical and Inductive Inference: Proc./Intern. Workshop AII 92, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, October 1992
Analysis of some semantic properties for programs of the applicative language AL
Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: Proc./CEPES-UNESCO Intern. symp., Prague, CSFR, October 1989
Aspects and Prospects of Theoretical Computer Science
Compiler Compilers
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: Proc./5th Intern.Conf., CAIP 93, Budapest, Hungary,1993
Computer Vision - ECCV 94: Proc./Third European Conf. Computer Vision, Stockholm, Sweden, May 1994
Computer Vision- ECCV 94: Proc./Third European Conf. on Computer Vision
CONCUR 90:Proc./Theories of Concurrency: Unification and Extension. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 1990
Concurrency: Theory, Language, and Architecture: Proc./UK/Japan Workshop, Oxford, September 1989
Database Theory- ICDT 92: Proc./4th Intern. Conf., Berlin, Germany, October 1992
Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems: Proc./Intern.Symp., DISCO 92, Bath, U.K., April 1992
Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems: Proc./Intern.Symp. DISCO 93, Gmunden, Austia, Sept. 1993
Design of Hashing Algorithms
Distributed Algorithms: Proc./6th Intern. Workshop, WDAG 92, Haifa, Israel, November 1992
Distributed Memory Computing: Proc./2nd European Conf., EDMCC2, Munich, FRG, April 1991
Expert Systems in Engineering. Principles and Applications: Proc./Intern. Workshop, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 1990
Extensions of Logic Programming
Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computing
Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: Proc./16th Intern. Workshop WG 90, Berlin, Germany, June 1990
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: Proc./18th Intern.Workshop, WG 92, Wiesbaden-Naurod, Germany, June 1992
Human-Computer Interaction: Proc./Third Intern.Conf., EWHCI 93, Moskow, Russia, August 1993
ICDT 90: Proc./Third Intern.Conf. on Database Theory, Paris, France, Desember 1990
Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence: Integration Aspects. Proc./First Workshop, Ulm, FRG, March 1990
Logics in AI: Proc./European Workshop JELIA 90, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 1990
Looking for an approach to a theory of models for parallel computation
Machine Learning- EWSL-91: Proc./European Working Session on Learning, Porto, Portugal, March 1991
Meta-level Control for Deductive Database Systems
MFDBS 91: Proc./3rd Symp. Mathematical Fundamentals of Database and Knowledge Base Systems, Rostock, Germany, May 1991
Natural Language Processing
Neural Nets. A Theory for Brains and Machines
On Finding Extensions of Default Theories
Procedure implementation in the multi-language translator
Program Structure Analysis in a Global Optimization
Relational Matching
Schematology in a Multi-Language Optimizer
Semantics of Systems of Concurrent Processes
Software Engineering Environments
Spatial Information Theory: A Theoretical Basis for GIS: Proc./European Conf., COSIT 93, Marciana Marina, Elba Island, Italy, Sept.1993
TAPSOFT 91: Proc./Intern. Joint Conf. Theory and Practice of Software Development, Brighton, UK, April 1991. Vol.1
TAPSOFT 91: Proc./Intern. Joint Conf. Theory and Practice of Software Development, Brington, UK, April 1991. Vol.2
The Design of an Extendible Graph Editor
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