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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Information Processing Letters
Связанные издания:
Preservation of Integrity Constraints in Definite DATALOG Programs
Private vs. common random bits in communication complexity
Program inversion in the refinement calculus
Rapport d activites scientifiques 1988-1991/Laboratoire de Genie Informatique
Rectangular partition is polynomial in two dimensions but NP-complete in three
Remarks on the Equivalence of c-e Structures and Petri Nets
Repetitions, known or unknown?
Scheduling real-time computations with separation constraints
Security Clauses in the Writing and Analysis of Standards
Some notes on threshold circuits, and multiplication in depth 4
Some observations on skip-lists
Some properties of fully feducible graphs
Splitsort- An adaptive sorting algorithm
Symbolic Verification Method for Definite Iteration over Data Structures
Systematic choice of initial points in local search: Extensions and application to Neural Networks
The causal ordering abstraction and a simple way to implement it
The complexity of problems involving structurally bounded and conservative Petri nets
The Computational Complexity of Satisfiability of Temporal Horn Formulas in Propositional Linear-Time Temporal Logic
The effective entropies of some extensions of context-free languages
The Implementation of a Distributed Model for Logic Programming Based on Multiple-Headed Clauses
The logic-termal quivalence is polynomial-time decidable
The parallel complexity of two problems on concurrency
The Pre-NTS Property Is Undecidable for Context-free Grammars
Tree equivalence of linear recursive schemata is polynomial-time decidable
Unidirectional Star Graphs
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