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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
About conflicts
A Contribution to the Translation of Arithmetical Operators (Assignment Statemants) into the Machine Language of the Computer M-3
Adding Input-Output to PCF
Agent Development and Control System
Algebra of Two-level Cause-effect Structures
Algebras of arrays - a tool to deal with concurrency
A Multi-agent System for Mathematical Modeling
An algebraic approach to non-sequential computations
A Note on an Operation on Concurrent Systems
A Parallel Approach to Lexicon Design
Applying PVS to Za
Arithmetic Formulae and the use of Subroutines in SAKO
Automatic Testing of a Parallel Computer
Case Study in Trace Specification of Non-deterministic Modules
Combination of Controls in Multi-Agent Systems
Communication Automatic Programming of Computation and Analysis of Electrical Network by means of Physical Graphs
Comparing Byzantine Agreement with Degradable Agreement
Computation of Invariants for Algebraic Petri Nets
Concurrency Specification and Programming: Proc./CS&P'2001 Workshop. Warsaw, Poland, October 2001
Concurrency Specification and Programming: Proc./CS&P'93 Workshop. Nieborow near Warsaw, Poland, 14-16 October 1993
Concurrency Specification and Programming: Proc./CS&P'95 Workshop. Warsaw, Poland, October 1995
Construction of Petri Nets with Prescribed Properties
Data Parallel Connectionist Programming Using PROMOTER
Dynamically Stubborn Sets and the Sleep Set Method
Efficient Production of Large Programs: Proc./International Workshop, Jablona, August 1970
Expressively of Timed Petri Nets: Classical versus Time-Critical Viewpoint
High-tech za zelena kurtina: Elektronika, komputery i systemy sterowania w PDL
INFOPOL-76: Proc./International Conference on Data Processing, Warsaw, March 1976 (папка со статьями)
International Congress of Mathematicians, v. 1: Proc./Warszawa, Poland, August 1983
International Congress of Mathematicians, v. 2: Proc./Warszawa, Poland, August 1983
Knowledge-Based Protocols in a Multi-Agent System: A Case Study
Logical foundations of knowledge representation
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science: Proc./International Symposium and Summer School, Warsaw, August 1972
Net Models of Abstract Data Types
Observing Some Properties of Event Structures
On certain problem of resourse allocation in systems of concurrent programs
On languages generated by same types of algorithms
On Liveness and Boundedness in Time Petri Nets
Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering PARELEC 2002: Proc./International Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 22-25 September 2002
Partial Functions in Practice
Programming an Agreement Protocol with the Help of PrT-Nets
Proving properties of processes
Representing CSP-like Systems as Cause-effect Structures
Resourse allocation problem
SAKO - An Automatic Coding System
SAKO - Translation
SAKO - Система автоматического кодирования
Subroutines in SAKO
Symbolic Modificators' Code
Symbolic Stubborn Set Search
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