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Advances in Databases and Information Systems. ADBIS 94
Связанные издания:
Active and Passive Rules in Database Systems: How Do They Relate?
Base and Electronic Databank on Thermodynamic Properties of Polymers, Monomers and Parameters of Polymerization Reactions from Precise Calorimetry Data
CASE-Repository for Project Descriptions: Standartization Directions
Complex System of the Geochemical Data Preparation for Geodynamic Analyses
Computerised Data Bank of VINITI: Design Problems and Principles
Developing a Concept of Personal Database
Encapsulating Expert Systems for Reuse in the SYNTHESIS Environment
From a Database Programming Language to a Database Specification Language
Functional and Multivalued Dependencies for L-Relations
Homogeneous Localization of Structural Interactivity Dependencies in Megaprograms using Scripts
IRO-DB: An Object-Oriented Approach towards Federated and Interoperable DBMS
Molecular Spectroscopy Data Bases and their Use for Intelligent Processing of Chemical Data
Object-Oriented Data Base Management System with Functional Data Manipulation Language
Object-Oriented Database Programming Languages and Query Optimization
Object-Oriented Tools for Functional Processing of Application Domain Model
Principles of Formation of Distributed Geoinformational System for the World Ocean Metallogenic Diagnosis
Storage and Control Model for Multimedia Objects
SYNTHESIS Implementation Architecture Design by Commutative Object Models Mapping
The Low-Level Support and Logging for Flexible Transactions
The Revival of Historical Materials of Deep Seismic Sounding of the Earth Crust and Upper Mantle in the Seas and Oceans: Seismological Information System
The System Prototyping Based on Integrated Models
Time Series Relation Data Model
Value-Added Databases: Knowledge Discovery and Evidential Reasoning
Variations of R-Tree Structure for Indexing of Spatial Objects
Views in Object-Oriented Databases
ZOOINT - An Integrated System for Zoological Data Bases
База данных структура-пестицидная активность "STRAC" и ее приложения
Банк структурных данных по химии ВИНИТИ. Основные направления исследований и развития
Инструментальные средства построения информационных систем
Интегрированная база данных "Наука России"
Принципы построения экспертной системы квалификации преступлений в сфере чрезвычайных ситуаций
Проект "Накопленные знания науке и людям". Создание информационной системы Минералогического Музея РАН